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Valid European Law Reference Formats for J-Link

The items that J-Link can recognise include:

Document numbers

Colloquial terms

Publication references

Most of these references can be used with the Web version of Justis (with the Common Name field on the Search In EU screen, or with the J-Link button on the Document screen) and with Justis 5 CD-ROMs (with the Publication Reference button on the Quick Search tab on the Query screen, or with the J-Link button on the Document screen toolbar).

You can also use these references with JustCite, Justis Publishing’s legal reference search engine.

CELEX Document Numbers

Each document in CELEX has been assigned a unique document number (e.g. 31997L0044), which usually contains ten characters. This number is used in the various fields, databases and sectors in the CELEX database to identify and cross reference documents. Valid numbers include:

  • 31997L0044
  • 31986R3528-A02P3
  • 11997D/AFI/CE
  • 61994B0088
  • 61994B0088(01)
  • 61994B0088(02)

These document numbers are also used in the Section field of the Industrial Cases (Relevant Statutes) database.

Document numbers are constructed using the following format:

Sector Number + Year + Document Type + Document Identifier

Sector Number – (1 digit - 31997L0044) The first character in the CELEX document number, indicating the sector in which the document can be found.

Year – (4 digits - 31997L0044) The second, third, fourth and fifth characters in the CELEX document number are the 4 digits of the year of publication of the document, e.g. 1998.

Document Type – (1 or 2 characters - 31997L0044). The sixth (and sometimes seventh) character in the CELEX document number, always alphabetic, not numeric. For each sector, alphabetic codes have been assigned to various types of documents. The same code can have different meanings in different sectors.

Document Identifier – (normally 4 digits - 31997L0044) The four numbers following the alphabetic document type in the CELEX document number. This is an identifying number for the document (such as the Directive Number). For numbers with fewer than 4 digits, leading zeroes must be added.

Some documents in the Treaties database have document numbers that include forward slashes and that use alphabetic characters for the document identifier, for example 11997D/AFI/CE is a valid document number in which the document identifier is 'AFI/CE'.


The CELEX document dealing with Council Directive 97/44/EC of 22 July 1997 has the document number 31997L0044, which can be broken down as follows:

3 Sector 3 (Secondary Legislation)
1997 publication year 1997
L Document Type L (EC/EURATOM Directives)
44 the identifying number of the document

Full details of how the numbers are constructed can be found in the topic on CELEX document numbers.


Some document numbers include a suffix. Some suffixes indicate a part of a document, for example:


means Article 2, Part 3 of Regulation number 3528 of 1986. Other suffixes indicate a series of related documents, for example:

61994B0088, 61994B0088(01) and 61994B0088(02)

are all concerned with Case T-88/94 in the Court of First Instance.

Wild Cards

You can use wild cards to truncate the numeric portions of document numbers, but only if you use the Form Search or General Search screens, for example:


You cannot use wild cards if you use J-Link.


COM DOCS – document numbers

References of COM DOCS (documents concerned with future European Union legislation) that J-Link can recognise include:

  • COM (90) 132
  • COM/90/0132
  • COM/90/132
  • COM 90 132
  • COM DOC 90 132
  • Com Doc 90/0132
  • Com Doc 90/132
  • com-doc-90-132

  • COM (2000) 132
  • COM/2000/0132
  • COM/2000/132
  • COM 2000 132
  • COM DOC 2000 132
  • Com Doc 2000/0132
  • Com Doc 2000/132
  • com-doc-2000-132

The elements of the numbers can be separated by space, hyphen or slash, and the alphabetic parts can be in upper or lower case. The digits representing the year can be enclosed in parentheses.

Years from 2000 onwards always have 4 digits. Years before 2000 originally had 2 digits and should have been converted to 4 digits.

The full text of these documents can be found in the Proposals database (Sector 5) in CELEX, and also in the Official Journal C Series database.


Council Common Positions – document numbers

References of Positions of the Council of the European Union on the Common Foreign and Security Policy that J-Link can recognise include:

  • Common Position 2003 444 CFSP
  • Common Position 2003/444/CFSP
  • Common Position 2003/444/C.F.S.P.
  • Council Common Position 2003 444 CFSP
  • Council Common Position 2003/444/CFSP
  • Council Common Position 2003/444/C.F.S.P.

Alphabetic characters can be upper or lower case.

For documents in which the year component of the number is before 2000, two-digit or four-digit numbers can be used:

  • Common Position 1996 184 CFSP
  • Common Position 96 184 CFSP
  • Common Position 96/184/CFSP
  • Common Position 96/184/C.F.S.P.
  • Council Common Position 96 184 CFSP
  • Council Common Position 96/184/CFSP
  • Council Common Position 96/184/C.F.S.P.
  • Council Common Position 1996/184/C.F.S.P.

The full text of Common Positions on the Common Foreign and Security Policy is included in the Legislation database (Sector 3) in CELEX.


European Court – case numbers

References of case numbers from the Court of Justice of the European Communities and the Court of First Instance that J-Link can recognise include:

  • Case C-361/2000 spacer
  • Case 361/2000 spacer
  • C-361/2000 spacer
  • C-361 2000 spacer
  • C/361/2000 spacer
  • C-361-2000 spacer
  • C 361 2000 spacer
  • C-278/2000 R spacer
  • C-317/2000 P(R) spacer
  • Case T-65/2000 spacer
  • Case T-342/2000 R spacer
  • T-65/2000 spacer

The initial “C” or “T”, the case number and the year can be separated by space, slash or hyphen.

Alphabetic characters can be upper or lower case.

Unlike most other documents in CELEX, 2-digit or 4-digit years can be used for years from 2000 onwards, as well as for years before 2000:

  • Case 122/03 spacer
  • C-122/03 spacer
  • C-39/03 P spacer
  • C-156/03 P-R spacer
  • C-233/03 P(R) spacer
  • T-19/03 spacer
  • T-175/03 R spacer
  • Case C-152/1997 spacer
  • Case C-152/97 spacer
  • Case 152/97 spacer
  • C-152/97 spacer
  • C-152 97 spacer
  • C/152/97 spacer
  • C-152-97 spacer
  • C 152 97 spacer
  • C-180/96 R spacer
  • C-151/97 P(I) spacer
  • Case T-179/96 R spacer
  • Case T-179/96 spacer
  • T-179/96 spacer
  • T-179/1996 spacer

The full text of case reports from these two courts is included in the Case Law database (Sector 6) in CELEX.


European Union Decisions – document numbers

References of European Union Decisions that J-Link can recognise include:

  • Commission Decision 2003/391/EC spacer
  • Decision 2003/391/EC spacer
  • Decision 2003/391
  • Commission Decision No. 391/2003/EC
  • Commission Decision 391/2003/EC
  • Decision No. 391/2003/EC
  • Decision No. 391/2003
  • Decision 391/2003/EC
  • Decision 391/2003

For documents in which the year component of the number is before 2000, two-digit or four-digit numbers can be used:

  • Commission Decision 1996/391/EC spacer
  • Commission Decision 96/391/EC spacer
  • Decision 96/391/EC spacer
  • Decision 96/391
  • Commission Decision No. 391/1996/EC spacer
  • Commission Decision No. 391/96/EC spacer
  • Commission Decision 391/96/EC
  • Decision 391/96/EC
  • Decision 391/96
  • Commission Decision No. 4031/88/ECSC
  • Decision No. 4031/88/ECSC
  • Decision No. 88/4031/ECSC
  • Decision 88/4031/ECSC
  • Decision 98/682
  • Decision 682/98
  • Council Decision of 23 October 1995, 95/487/EC
  • Council Decision 75/364/EEC of 16 June 1975

The elements that make up the reference can be separated by space, slash or hyphen.

Case does not matter, so DECISION or decision will also work.

The full text of Decisions is included in the Legislation database (Sector 3) in CELEX. Decisions from Sector 4 are not recognised.


European Union Directives – document numbers

References of European Union Directives that J-Link can recognise include:

  • Council Directive 2003/8/EC
  • Council Directive 2003/8
  • Directive 2003/8/EC
  • Directive 2003/8
  • Directive 2003-8
  • Directive 2003 8
  • Dir 2003/8/EC
  • Dir 2003/8
  • Dir 2003-8
  • Dir 2003 8
  • Dir/2003/8

For documents in which the year component of the number is before 2000, two-digit or four-digit numbers can be used:

  • Commission Directive 1997/8/EC
  • Commission Directive 97/8/EC
  • Commission Directive 97/8
  • Directive 97/8/EC
  • Directive 97/8
  • Directive 97-8
  • Directive 97 8
  • Dir 97/8/EC
  • Dir 97/8
  • Dir 97-8
  • Dir 97 8
  • Dir/97/8
  • Dir/1997/8

The first word and the two numbers can be separated by space, slash or hyphen.

Case does not matter, so DIR, dir or directive will also work.

The full text of Directives is included in the Legislation database (Sector 3) in CELEX.


European Union Regulations – document numbers

References of European Union Regulations that J-Link button can recognise include:

  • Council Regulation (EC) No. 2027/2003
  • Regulation (EC) No. 2160/2003
  • Regulation No. 2160/2003
  • Regulation 2160/2003
  • Regulation 2160-2003
  • Regulation 2160 2003
  • Regulation 2160 of 2003
  • Reg (EC) No. 2160/2003
  • Reg No. 2160/2003
  • Reg 2160/2003
  • Reg 2160-2003
  • Reg 2160 2003
  • Reg 2160 of 2003

For documents in which the year component of the number is before 2000, two-digit or four-digit numbers can be used:

  • Commission Regulation 99/1963
  • Commission Regulation 99/63
  • Council Regulation (EC) No. 2027/97
  • Regulation (EC) No. 2027/97
  • Regulation No. 2027/97
  • Regulation 2027/97
  • Regulation 2027-97
  • Regulation 2027 97
  • Regulation 2027 of 1997
  • Reg (EC) 2027/97
  • Reg 2027/97
  • Reg 2027-97
  • Reg 2027 97
  • Reg/2027/97
  • Reg 2027 of 1997

The word “Regulation” and the two numbers can be separated by space, slash or hyphen. There can be other text between the word “Regulation” and the numbers.

Case does not matter, so REG, reg, REGULATION or regulation will also work.

The full text of Regulations is included in the Legislation database (Sector 3) in CELEX.


European Union Treaties – Article numbers

References of Articles in the European Union Treaties that J-Link can recognise include:

  • Article 4 E.C.
  • Article 4 EC
  • Article 5 E.E.C.
  • Article 5 EEC
  • Article 6 Treaty of Rome
  • Treaty of Rome Article 6
  • Article 7 E.C. Treaty
  • Article 7 EC Treaty
  • Article 8 E.E.C. Treaty
  • Article 8 EEC Treaty
  • E.E.C. Treaty Article 8
  • EEC Treaty Article 8
  • Article 9 Treaty Establishing the EEC
  • Treaty Establishing the EEC Article 9
  • Article 10 Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community
  • Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community Article 10

  • Article 4 EURATOM Treaty
  • EURATOM Treaty Article 4

  • Article 2 Single European Act
  • Single European Act Article 2

  • European Coal and Steel Treaty Article 5
  • Article 5 European Coal and Steel Treaty
  • ECSC Treaty Article 7
  • Article 7 E.C.S.C. Treaty
  • Article 7 ECSC Treaty

References that contain some words between the Article and Treaty portions of the reference can also be recognised, for example the following references link to the correct records in CELEX:

  • Article 177 of the EEC Treaty
  • Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 100

References to multiple articles are not recognised.

The full text of Treaties is included in the Treaties database (Sector 1) in CELEX.

J-Link can also recognise common names of Treaties.


European Union Agreements and Conventions – colloquial terms

The common names of European Union Agreements and Conventions that J-Link can recognise are:

Colloquial term Document no.
Brussels Convention
Convention de Bruxelles
Enforcement of Judgements Convention
Enforcement of Judgments Convention
Agreement on the European Economic Area
European Economic Area Agreement
EEA Agreement
First ACP EEC Lomé Convention
First ACP EEC Lome Convention
1st ACP EEC Lomé Convention
1st ACP EEC Lome Convention
Première Convention de Lomé ACP UE
Second ACP EEC Lomé Convention
Second ACP EEC Lome Convention
2nd ACP EEC Lomé Convention
2nd ACP EEC Lome Convention
Deuxième Convention de Lomé ACP UE
Third ACP EEC Lomé Convention
Third ACP EEC Lome Convention
3rd ACP EEC Lomé Convention
3rd ACP EEC Lome Convention
Troisième Convention de Lomé ACP UE
Fourth ACP EEC Lomé Convention
Fourth ACP EEC Lome Convention
4th ACP EEC Lomé Convention
4th ACP EEC Lome Convention
Quatrième Convention de Lomé ACP UE
Rome Convention
Contractual Obligations Convention
Convention de Rome
Schengen Acquis
Schengen Agreement
Schengen Convention
Schengen Treaty
Community Patent Convention 41975A3490

The full text of Conventions between Member States is included in the Legislation database (Sector 4) in CELEX. The full text of Conventions involving other states is included in the Treaties database (Sector 2) in CELEX.


European Union Decisions – colloquial terms

The common names of European Union Decisions that J-Link can recognise are:

Colloquial term Decision no.
Conformity Assessment Procedures and CE Marking Rules Decision Decision 1993/465
Overseas Association Decision Decision 2001/822

The full text of Decisions is included in the Legislation database (Sector 3) in CELEX.


European Union Directives – colloquial terms


The common names of European Union Directives that J-Link can recognise are:

Colloquial term Directive no.
1995 Voice Telephony Directive Directive 1998/10
Access Directive Directive 2002/19
Access to Environmental Information Directive 1990/313
Acquired Rights Directive Directive 2001/23
Active Implantable Medical Device Directive Directive 1990/385
Additives Framework Directive Directive 1989/107
ADR Framework Directive Directive 1994/55
Advertising Directive Directive 1984/450
Air Framework Directive Directive 1996/62
Air Quality Framework Directive Directive 1996/62
Annual Accounts Directive Directive 1978/660
Anti-Spam Directive Directive 2002/58
Appliances Burning Gaseous Fuels Directive Directive 1990/396
Architects Directive Directive 1985/384
Asbestos Directive Directive 1983/477
Asylum Procedures Directive Directive 2005/85
Authorisation Directive Directive 2002/20
Authorizations Directive Directive 1991/414
Bank Accounts Directive Directive 1986/635
Bank Branches Directive Directive 1989/117
1st Banking Co-ordination Directive Directive 1977/780
1st Banking Directive Directive 1977/780
2nd Banking Directive Directive 1989/646
Basic Safety Directive Directive 1980/836
Bathing Water Directive Directive 2006/7
Batteries Directive Directive 2006/66
Biocidal Products Directive Directive 1998/8
Biocides Directive Directive 1998/8
Biofuels Directive Directive 2003/30
Biological Agents Directive Directive 2000/54
Biotechnology Directive Directive 1998/44
Birds Directive Directive 1979/409
Blood Directive Directive 2002/98
Braking Directive Directive 1971/320
Burden of Proof Directive Directive 1997/80
Capital Adequacy Directive Directive 1993/6
Capital Transfer Directive Directive 1988/361
Car Recycling Directive Directive 2000/53
Carcinogens Directive Directive 1990/394
CE Marking Amendment Directive Directive 1993/68
CE Marking Directive Directive 1993/68
Cereals Directive Directive 1986/362
Chemical Agents Directive Directive 1998/24
Chocolate Directive Directive 2000/36
Clinical Trials Directive Directive 2001/20
Cogeneration Directive Directive 2004/8
Collective Redundancies Directive Directive 1998/59
e-Commerce Directive Directive 2000/31
Commercial Agents Directive Directive 1986/653
1st Company Law Directive Directive 1968/151
2nd Company Law Directive Directive 1977/91
3rd Company Law Directive Directive 1978/855
4th Company Law Directive Directive 1978/660
6th Company Law Directive Directive 1982/891
7th Company Law Directive Directive 1983/349
8th Company Law Directive Directive 1984/253
11th Company Law Directive Directive 1989/666
12th Company Law Directive Directive 1989/667
13th Company Law Directive Directive 2004/25
Comparative Advertising Directive Directive 1997/55
Compliance Directive Directive 1989/665
Computer Programs Directive Directive 1991/250
Conditional Access Directive Directive 1998/84
Conglomerates Directive Directive 2002/87
Consolidated Accounts Directive Directive 1983/349
Consolidated Supplies Directive Directive 1993/36
Consumer Credit Directive Directive 1987/102
Consumer Guarantees Directive Directive 1999/44
Copyright Directive Directive 1993/98
Cosmetics Directive Directive 1976/768
Credit Institutions Reorganisation and Winding Up Directive Directive 2001/24
Dangerous Goods Training Directive Directive 1994/55
Dangerous Preparations Directive Directive 1988/379
Dangerous Substances Directive Directive 1967/548
Dangerous Substances in Water Directive Directive 1976/464
Data Protection Directive Directive 1996/9
Database Directive Directive 1996/9
Database Protection Directive Directive 1996/9
Design Directive Directive 1998/71
Design Protection Directive Directive 1998/71
Diplomas Directive Directive 1989/48
Directive on Electronic Commerce Directive 2000/31
Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive 2000/58
Discharge of Dangerous Substances Directive Directive 1976/464
Discharges of Dangerous Substances Directive Directive 1976/464
Disclosure Requirements Directive Directive 1989/666
Display Screen Equipment Directive Directive 1990/270
Distance Contracts Directive Directive 1997/7
Distance Marketing Directive Directive 2002/65
Distance Marketing of Consumer Financial Services Directive Directive 2002/65
Distance Marketing of Financial Services Directive Directive 2002/65
Distance Selling Directive Directive 1997/7
Doorstep Selling Directive Directive 1985/577
Drinking Water Directive Directive 1980/778
7th EC Company Law Directive Directive 1983/349
8th EC Company Law Directive Directive 1984/253
e-Commerce Directive Directive 2000/31
EIA Directive Directive 1985/337
Eighth Company Law Directive Directive 1984/253
Eighth EC Company Law Directive Directive 1984/253
Eighth Summertime Directive Directive 1997/44
Eighth VAT Directive Directive 1979/1072
Electricity Market Access Directive Directive 1996/92
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive Directive 2004/108
Electronic Commerce Directive Directive 2000/31
Electronic Communications Directive Directive 2002/58
Electronic Money Directive Directive 2000/46
Electronic Signatures Directive Directive 1999/93
Eleventh Company Law Directive Directive 1989/666
Eleventh VAT Directive Directive 1980/368
ELV Directive Directive 2000/53
EMC Directive Directive 2004/108
Emissions Trading Directive Directive 2003/87
e-Money Directive Directive 2000/46
Encrypted Services Directive Directive 1998/84
End-of-life Vehicles Directive Directive 2000/53
Energy Performance of Buildings Directive Directive 2002/91
Energy Tax Directive Directive 2003/96
Environmental Impact Assessment Directive Directive 1985/337
Environmental Liability Directive Directive 2004/35
e-Privacy Directive Directive 2002/58
Equal Pay Directive Directive 1975/117
Equal Treatment Directive Directive 1976/207
e-Signatures Directive Directive 1999/93
Establishment Directive Directive 1998/5
Establishment of Lawyers Directive Directive 1998/5
EU Copyright Directive Directive 1993/98
EU Savings Directive Directive 2003/48
European Savings Tax Directive Directive 2003/48
European Works Council Directive Directive 1994/45
EWC Directive Directive 1994/45
Excise Duties Directive Directive 1992/12
Excise Duty Directive Directive 1992/12
Fair Value Directive Directive 2001/65
Fifth Motor Insurance Directive Directive 2005/14
Fifth VAT Directive Directive 1972/250
First Banking Co-ordination Directive Directive 1977/780
First Banking Directive Directive 1977/780
First Company Law Directive Directive 1968/151
First Life Assurance Directive Directive 1979/267
First Motor Insurance Directive Directive 1972/166
First Non Life Insurance Directive Directive 1973/239
First Simplification Directive Directive 1992/111
First VAT Directive Directive 67/227
Fish Directive Directive 1978/659
Fish Freshwater Standards Directive Directive 1978/659
Fish Water Directive Directive 1978/659
Fixed-Term Work Directive Directive 1999/70
Food Additives Framework Directive Directive 1989/107
Food Hygiene Regulation Directive 852/2004
Food Labelling Directive Directive 2000/13
Food Supplements Directive Directive 2002/46
Foot-and-Mouth Directive Directive 2003/85
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Directive Directive 2003/85
Fourth Company Law Directive Directive 1978/660
Fourth Motor Insurance Directive Directive 2000/26
Fourth VAT Directive Directive 1971/401
Framework Directive Directive 2002/21
Free Movement Directive Directive 2004/38
Fresh Meat Directive Directive 1991/497
Fruit and Vegetables Directive Directive 1976/895
Fuel Quality Directive Directive 1998/70
Gas and Electricity Price Transparency Directive Directive 1990/377
Gas Directive Directive 2003/55
Gender Directive Directive 2004/113
General Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive Directive 2004/108
General Equal Treatment Directive Directive 2000/78
General Product Safety Directive Directive 2001/95
General Tractor Directive Directive 1974/150
GMO Directive 2001/18
GPSD Directive 2001/95
Groundwater Directive Directive 1980/68
Guarantees Directive Directive 1999/44
Habitats Directive Directive 1992/43
Hazardous Waste Directive Directive 1991/689
Health and Safety Framework Directive Directive 1989/391
In Vitro Diagnostic Directive Directive 1998/79
Incineration of Waste Directive Directive 2000/76
Information and Consultation Directive Directive 2002/14
Information Society Directive Directive 2001/29
Injunctions Directive Directive 1998/27
Insider Dealing Directive Directive 1989/592
Insider Trading Directive Directive 1989/592
Insurance Mediation Directive Directive 2002/92
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive Directive 1996/61
Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Directive Directive 2004/48
Interconnections Directive Directive 1997/33
Interest and Royalties Directive Directive 2003/49
Interest and Royalty Directive Directive 2003/49
Investment Services Directive Directive 1993/22
Investor Compensation Directive Directive 1997/9
IPPC Directive Directive 1996/61
IPR Enforcement Directive Directive 2004/48
IVD Directive Directive 1998/79
Labelling Directive Directive 2000/13
Landfill Directive Directive 1999/31
Large Combustion Plant Directive Directive 1994/66
Late Payment Directive Directive 2000/35
Lawyers' Services Directive Directive 1977/249
LCP Directive Directive 1994/66
Lead-free Directive Directive 2002/95
Leased Lines Directive Directive 1992/44
1st Life Assurance Directive Directive 1979/267
2nd Life Assurance Directive Directive 1990/619
Lifts Directive Directive 1995/16
Low Voltage Directive Directive 1973/23
MAC Directive Directive 1992/38
MAC (Multiplex Analogue Components) Directive Directive 1992/38
Machinery Directive Directive 2006/42
MAD Directive 2003/6
Manual Handling Directive Directive 1990/269
Market Abuse Directive Directive 2003/6
Markets in Financial Instruments Directive Directive 2004/39
Measuring Instruments Directive Directive 2004/22
Medical Device Directive Directive 1993/42
Merger Directive Directive 1990/434
Mergers Directive Directive 1990/434
MiFID Directive 2004/39
Markets in Financial Instruments Directive Directive 2004/39
Milk Hygiene Directive Directive 2004/41
Mineral Oils Rates Directive Directive 1992/82
Misleading Advertising Directive Directive 1984/450
Modernisation of Accounts Directive Directive 2003/51
e-Money Directive Directive 2000/46
Money Laundering Directive Directive 1991/308
3rd Money Laundering Directive Directive 2005/60
1st Motor Insurance Directive Directive 1972/166
2nd Motor Insurance Directive Directive 1984/5
4th Motor Insurance Directive Directive 2000/26
5th Motor Insurance Directive Directive 2005/14
Motor Vehicle Framework Directive Directive 1970/156
Motor Vehicle Type Approval Framework Directive Directive 1970/156
Multiplex Analogue Components Directive Directive 1992/38
Mutual Recognition of Qualifications Directive Directive 1989/48
Natural Habitats Directive Directive 1992/43
Nickel Directive Directive 1994/27
Ninth VAT Directive Directive 1978/583
Nitrates Directive Directive 1991/676
Noise Directive Directive 2000/14
1st Non Life Insurance Directive Directive 1973/239
2nd Non Life Insurance Directive Directive 1988/357
Third Non-Life Insurance Directive Directive 1992/49
Non-road Mobile Machinery Directive Directive 1997/68
ONP Framework Directive Directive 1990/387
ONP Interconnection Directive Directive 1997/33
ONP Interconnections Directive Directive 1997/33
ONP Leased Lines Directive Directive 1992/44
Open Network Directive Directive 1990/387
Open Network Provision (ONP) Framework Directive Directive 1990/387
Open Network Provision Framework Directive Directive 1990/387
Open Network Provision Interconnections Directive Directive 1997/33
Open Networks Directive Directive 1990/387
Own Funds Directive Directive 2000/12
Package Travel Directive Directive 1990/314
Packaging Waste Directive Directive 1994/62
Paints Directive Directive 2004/42
Parent and Subsidiary Directive Directive 1990/435
Parental Leave Directive Directive 1996/34
Part-time Work Directive Directive 1997/81
Passenger Lifts Directive Directive 1995/16
PCB Directive Directive 1996/59
Personal Protective Equipment Directive Directive 1989/656
Pesticides Directive Directive 1990/642
Phyto Directive Directive 1977/93
Plant Health Directive Directive 1977/93
Plastics Directive Directive 1990/128
Port State Control Directive Directive 1995/21
Postal Directive Directive 1997/67
Posted Workers Directive Directive 1996/71
PPE Directive Directive 1989/656
Pregnant Workers Directive Directive 1992/85
Pressure Equipment Directive Directive 1997/23
e-Privacy Directive Directive 2002/58
Privacy and Communications Directive Directive 2002/58
Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive Directive 2002/58
Product Liability Directive Directive 1985/374
Product Safety Directive Directive 2001/95
Prohibition Directive Directive 1979/117
Prospectuses Directive Directive 2003/71
Protection of Workers Directive Directive 1990/679
Protective Equipment Directive Directive 1989/656
PSI Directive Directive 2003/98
Public Sector Information Directive Directive 2003/98
Public Sector Services Directive Directive 1992/50
Public Works Directive Directive 1993/37
Race Directive Directive 2000/43
Railway Safety Directive Directive 2004/49
Remedies Directive Directive 1992/13
Rental Right Directive Directive 1992/100
Residues Directive Directive 1986/469
Road Transport Directive Directive 2002/15
RoHS Directive Directive 2002/95
RTTE Directive Directive 1999/5
Sampling Drinking Water Directive Directive 1979/869
Satellite and Cable Directive Directive 1993/83
Savings Tax Directive Directive 2003/48
SEA Directive Directive 2001/42
Second Banking Directive Directive 1989/646
Second Company Law Directive Directive 1977/91
Second Life Assurance Directive Directive 1990/619
Second Motor Insurance Directive Directive 1984/5
Second Non Life Insurance Directive Directive 1988/357
Second Simplification Directive Directive 1995/7
Second VAT Directive Directive 67/228
Semiconductor Topographies Directive Directive 1987/54
Services Directive Directive 1992/50
Seventh Company Law Directive Directive 1983/349
Seventh EC Company Law Directive Directive 1983/349
Seventh Shipbuilding Directive Directive 1990/684
Seveso Directive Directive 1982/501
Seveso II Directive Directive 1996/82
Shellfish Directive Directive 1979/923
Shellfish Water Directive Directive 1979/923
6th Shipbuilding Directive Directive 1987/167
7th Shipbuilding Directive Directive 1990/684
e-Signatures Directive Directive 1999/93
Simplification Directive Directive 1992/111
1st Simplification Directive Directive 1992/111
2nd Simplification Directive Directive 1995/7
Single-Member Company Directive Directive 1989/667
Sixth Company Law Directive Directive 1982/891
Sixth Shipbuilding Directive Directive 1987/167
Sixth VAT Directive Directive 1977/388
Software Directive Directive 1991/250
Solvency Ratio Directive Directive 1989/647
Solvent Emissions Directive Directive 1999/13
Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive Directive 2001/42
8th Summertime Directive Directive 1997/44
Supplies Directive Directive 1993/36
Surface Water Abstraction Directive Directive 1979/869
Surface Water Quality Directive Directive 1979/869
Sweeteners Directive Directive 1994/35
Takeover Bids Directive Directive 2004/25
Takeover Directive Directive 2004/25
Tax Savings Directive Directive 2003/48
Taxation of Mergers Directive Directive 1990/434
Telecom Terminal Equipment Directive Directive 1991/263
Telecommunications Licensing Directive Directive 1997/13
Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive Directive 1999/5
Telecoms and Data Protection Directive Directive 1997/66
Telesales Directive Directive 1997/7
Television Directive Directive 1989/552
Television Without Frontiers Directive Directive 1989/552
Temporary Work at Height Directive Directive 2001/45
Tenth VAT Directive Directive 1984/386
Terminals Directive Directive 1998/13
Third Company Law Directive Directive 1978/855
Third Money Laundering Directive Directive 2005/60
Third Non-Life Insurance Directive Directive 1992/49
Third VAT Directive Directive 69/463
Thirteenth Company Law Directive Directive 2004/25
Timeshare Directive Directive 1994/47
Titanium Dioxide Directive Directive 1992/112
Tobacco Advertising Directive Directive 2003/33
Toy Safety Directive Directive 1988/378
Trade Mark Directive Directive 1989/104
Trade Marks Directive Directive 1989/104
Transfer of Undertakings Directive Directive 2001/23
Transit of Electricity Directive Directive 1990/547
Transit of Natural Gas Directive Directive 2003/55
TV Without Frontiers Directive Directive 1989/552
TWAHD Directive 2001/45
Twelfth Company Law Directive Directive 1989/667
UCITS Directive Directive 1985/611
Unfair Contract Terms Directive Directive 1993/13
Universal Service Directive Directive 2002/22
Urban Waste Water Directive Directive 1991/271
Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Directive 1991/271
Urban Wastewater Directive Directive 1991/271
Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive Directive 1991/271
Use of Work Equipment Directive Directive 1989/655
Utilities Directive Directive 1993/38
V D U Directive Directive 1990/270
1st VAT Directive Directive 67/227
2nd VAT Directive Directive 67/228
3rd VAT Directive Directive 69/463
4th VAT Directive Directive 1971/401
5th VAT Directive Directive 1972/250
6th VAT Directive Directive 1977/388
8th VAT Directive Directive 1979/1072
9th VAT Directive Directive 1978/583
10th VAT Directive Directive 1984/386
11th VAT Directive Directive 1980/368
VAT Rates Directive Directive 1992/77
VCM Directive Directive 1978/610
VDU Directive Directive 1990/270
Veterinary Checks Directive Directive 1991/496
Vinyl Chloride Monomer Directive Directive 1978/610
VOC Paints Directive Directive 2004/42
Voice Telephony Directive Directive 1998/10
Waste Directive Directive 2006/121
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive Directive 2002/96
Waste Incineration Directive Directive 2000/76
Waste Oils Directive Directive 1975/439
Water Framework Directive Directive 2000/60
WEEE Directive Directive 2002/96
Wild Birds Directive Directive 1979/409
Winding Up Directive Directive 2001/17
Work Equipment Directive Directive 1989/655
Working Time Directive Directive 2003/88
Workplace Directive Directive 1989/654
Works Council Directive Directive 1994/45
Works Directive Directive 1993/37
Young Workers Directive Directive 1994/33
Zoonoses Directive Directive 1992/117

The full text of Directives is included in the Legislation database (Sector 3) in CELEX.


European Union Regulations – colloquial terms


The common names of European Union Regulations that J-Link can recognise are:

Colloquial term Regulation no.
Airspace Regulation Regulation 551/2004
Anti-dumping Regulation Regulation 384/1996
Anti-subsidy Regulation Regulation 2026/1997
Antidumping Regulation Regulation 384/1996
Antitrust Regulation Regulation 1/2003
Brussels I Regulation Regulation 44/2001
Brussels II bis Regulation Regulation 2201/2003
Brussels II Regulation Regulation 2201/2003
Cartel Regulation Regulation 1/2003
Community Customs Code Regulation Regulation 2913/1992
Community Plant Variety Rights Regulation Regulation 2100/1994
Community Trade Mark Regulation Regulation 40/1994
Consumer Protection Cooperation Regulation Regulation 2006/2004
Customs Code Regulation Regulation 2913/1992
Dublin II Regulation Regulation 343/2003
Eco Label Regulation Regulation 1980/2000
Eco Labelling Regulation Regulation 1980/2000
Eco-Label Regulation Regulation 1980/2000
Eco-Labelling Regulation Regulation 1980/2000
Electricity Regulation Regulation 1228/2003
Eurodac Regulation Regulation 2725/2000
Excise Duties Regulation Regulation 2073/2004
Excise Duty Regulation Regulation 2073/2004
Framework Regulation Regulation 549/2004
Genetically Modified Food and Feed Regulation Regulation 1829/2003
GM Food and Feed Regulation Regulation 1829/2003
IAS Regulation Regulation 1606/2002
Insurance Block Exemption Regulation Regulation 358/2003
International Accounting Standards Regulation Regulation 1606/2002
Interoperability Regulation Regulation 552/2004
LIFE Regulation Regulation 1682/2004
Merger Regulation Regulation 139/2004
Modernisation Regulation Regulation 1/2003
Modernization Regulation Regulation 1/2003
Novel Food Regulation Regulation 258/1997
Novel Foods Regulation Regulation 258/1997
Pet Passport Regulation Regulation 998/2003
Plant Variety Rights Regulation Regulation 2100/1994
Service Provision Regulation Regulation 550/2004
Single European Sky Framework Regulation Regulation 549/2004
State Aid Regulation Regulation 659/1999
Strawberry Regulation Regulation 2679/1998
Technology Transfer Regulation Regulation 772/2004
Trade Barriers Regulation Regulation 3286/1994

The full text of Regulations is included in the Legislation database (Sector 3) in CELEX.


European Union Treaties – colloquial terms

The common names of European Union Treaties that J-Link can recognise are:

Colloquial term CELEX no.
Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community
European Coal and Steel Treaty
E.C.S.C. Treaty
ECSC Treaty
Paris Treaty
Treaty of Paris
Traité Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier
Traité C.E.C.A.
Traité CECA
Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community
Euratom Treaty
E.A.E.C. Treaty
EAEC Treaty
Traité Euratom
Traité fondateur
Treaty establishing the European Economic Community
Treaty establishing the European Community
Treaty establishing the EEC
E.E.C. Treaty
EEC Treaty
Rome Treaty
Treaty of Rome
Traité instituant la Communauté économique européenne
Traité instituant la CEE
Traité C.E.E.
Traité CEE
Traité de Rome
Treaty establishing a single Council and a single Commission
Merger Treaty
Brussels Treaty
Treaty of Brussels
Treaty amending certain budgetary provisions 11970F
Accession Treaty of Denmark, Ireland, Great Britain and Norway
Accession Treaty of Denmark, Ireland, Norway and Great Britain
Accession Treaty of Denmark, Ireland and Great Britain
Treaty amending certain provisions of the statute of the European Investment Bank
Treaty amending certain financial provisions
Accession Treaty for Greece 11979H
Amending Treaty for Greenland 11985G
Accession Treaty for Portugal and Spain
Accession Treaty for Portugal & Spain
Single European Act
Single Market Treaty
Acte unique européen
Treaty on European Union
Treaty of European Union
European Union Treaty
Maastricht Treaty
Traité de l'Union européenne
Traité d'Union européenne
Traité sur l'Union européenne
Traité U.E.
Traité UE
Traité de Maastricht
Accession Treaty of Austria, Finland and Sweden 11994N
Amsterdam Treaty
Treaty of Amsterdam
Nice Treaty
Treaty of Nice

The full text of Treaties is included in the Treaties database (Sector 1) in CELEX.

You can also use J-Link to find and display individual articles of Treaties.


Official Journal C Series – publication references

Publication references for the Official Journal C Series that J-Link can recognise include:

  • Official Journal No. C 231, 1996 spacer
  • Official Journal No. C 231, 1996, Item 5 spacer
  • Official Journal No. C 231, 30 5 1996 spacer
  • OJ No. C 231, 1996 spacer
  • OJ No. C 231, 1996, Item 5 spacer
  • OJ No. C 231, 30 5 1996 spacer
  • 1996/C 231/05 spacer
  • 1996/C 231 spacer
  • 1996 C 231 spacer
  • 96/C 231 spacer
  • 96 C 231 spacer

These reference formats will display a list of the items in the issue.

Punctuation is optional, and alphabetic characters can be either upper or lower case.

The full text of these documents is included in the Official Journal C Series database.


Other items that J-Link can recognise include:

8th July 2008