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Valid Human Rights Reference Formats for J-Link

The items that J-Link can recognise include:

Human Rights – names of legislation

Names of items of Human Rights legislation that J-Link can recognise include:

  • Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
  • European Convention on Human Rights
  • European Convention of Human Rights
  • Human Rights Convention

  • European Social Charter

  • European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

  • European Agreement Relating to Persons Participating in Proceedings of the European Court of Human Rights

  • European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
  • Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities

Punctuation is optional, and alphabetic characters can be either upper or lower case.

The full text of these documents is included in the Human Rights Legislation database.

Human Rights – case law references

Publication references for cases from the European Court of Human Rights that J-Link can recognise include:

Publications of the European Court of Human Rights
Examples of recognised formats (1996 to present):
Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1997-II, p. 619
Reports 1997-II, p. 619
Reports 1997-II (no page number, retrieves all cases in volume II of 1997)
ECHR 1999-III, p. 866 (with page number, but retrieves all cases in volume III of 1999)
ECHR 1999-III (no page number, retrieves all cases in volume III of 1999)

Publications of the European Court of Human Rights
Examples of recognised formats (1960 to 1995):
1988 Series A No. 139 p. 3
9 June 1988 Series A No. 136-E p. 36
1988 Series A No. 136-E p. 36
1988 Series A No. 136-E
Series A No. 136-E p. 36
7 D & R 55

References to Sweet & Maxwell’s EHRR (European Human Rights Reports) series are automatically translated into equivalent references for the original Reports issued by the European Court of Human Rights.

European Human Rights Reports
Standard format:
[year] volume EHRR page
Examples of recognised formats:
2000 29 EHRR 125
(2000) 29 EHRR 125
[2000] 29 EHRR 125
[2000] 29 E H R R 125
[2000] 29 E.H.R.R. 125
[2000] 29 E. H. R. R. 125
[2000] 29 European Human Rights Reports 125
Standard format:
[year] volume EHRR CD page
Examples of recognised formats:
1996 20 EHRR CD 6
(1996) 20 EHRR CD 6
[1996] 20 EHRR CD 6
[1996] 20 E.H.R.R. C.D. 6
[1996] 20 European Human Rights Reports CD 6

Punctuation is optional, and alphabetic characters can be either upper or lower case.

The full text of these documents is included in the Human Rights Case Law database.

You can also use these references with JustCite, Justis Publishing’s legal reference search engine.

Other items that J-Link can recognise include:

4th October 2006