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Valid case law reference formats for J-Link

Case reports – Publication reference formats

Most of these references can be used with the Web version of Justis (with the Citation field on the Search In Cases screen, or with the J-Link button on the Document screen) and also with Justis 5 CD-ROMs (with the Publication Reference button on the Quick Search tab on the Query screen, or with the J-Link button on the Document screen toolbar).

You can also use these references with JustCite, Justis Publishing’s legal reference search engine.

It does not matter whether the reference includes full, partial or no punctuation, or is in upper or lower case, because Justis uses J-Link to locate the case report. The page number (the last entity in the reference) can be any page number from the case report, not necessarily the first page.

The format of the data varies between products:

Aspinall’s Maritime Cases
(not available on CD-ROM)
Standard format:
volume Asp Mar Law Cas page
Examples of recognised formats:
14 AspMLC 207
14 ASP MLC 207
14 ASP M L C 207
14 Asp Mar Law Cas 207
14 Asp.M.L.C. 207
14 Asp. M.L.C. 207
14 Asp.Mar.Law Cas. 207
14 Aspinall's Maritime Cases 207

British Tax Cases
(not available on CD-ROM)
Standard format:
[year] BTC page
Examples of recognised formats:
2004 BTC 5357
(2004) BTC 5357
[2004] BTC 5357
[2004] B T C 5357
[2004] B.T.C. 5357
[2004] B. T. C. 5357
2004 British Tax Cases 5357
(2004) British Tax Cases 5357
[2004] British Tax Cases 5357

British VAT Cases
(not available on CD-ROM)
Standard format:
[year] BVC page
Examples of recognised formats:
2002 BVC 4078
(2002) BVC 4078
[2002] BVC 4078
[2002] B V C 4078
[2002] B.V.C. 4078
[2002] B. V. C. 4078
2002 British VAT Cases 4078
(2002) British VAT Cases 4078
[2002] British VAT Cases 4078
2002 British Value Added Tax Cases 4078
(2002) British Value Added Tax Cases 4078
[2002] British Value Added Tax Cases 4078

Business Law Reports
(not available on CD-ROM)
Standard format:
[year] Bus LR page
Examples of recognised formats:
2007 Bus LR 188
(2007) Bus LR 188
[2007] Bus LR 188
[2007] Bus.LR 188
[2007] Business Law Reports 188
Standard format:
[year] Bus LR Digest page
Examples of recognised formats:
2007 Bus LR Digest 13
(2007) Bus LR Digest 13
[2007] Bus LR Digest 13
[2007] Bus.LR Digest 13
2007 Bus LR Digest D13
(2007) Bus LR Digest D13
[2007] Bus LR Digest D13
[2007] Bus.LR Digest D13
2007 Bus LR D13
(2007) Bus LR D13
[2007] Bus LR D13
[2007] Bus.LR D13

Criminal Appeal Reports
(Justis 5 CD-ROM only)
Standard format:
[year] volume Cr.App.R. page
Examples of recognised formats:
1995 2 Cr.App.R. 10
(1995) 2 Cr.App.R. 10
[1995] 2 Cr.App.R. 10
[1995] 2 Cr. App. R. 10
[1995] 2 Criminal Appeal Reports 10

Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing) (from 1996 onwards)
(Justis 5 CD-ROM only)
Standard format:
[year] volume Cr.App.R.(S.) page
Examples of recognised formats:
1996 1 Cr.App.R.(S.) 94
(1996) 1 Cr.App.R.(S.) 94
[1996] 1 Cr.App.R.(S.) 94
[1996] 1 Cr. App. R. (S.) 94
[1996] 1 Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing) 94

Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing) (from 1979 to 1995)
(Justis 5 CD-ROM only)
Standard format:
(year) volume Cr.App.R.(S.) page
NOTE: (year) is optional
Examples of recognised formats:
4 Cr.App.R.(S.) 100
1982 4 Cr.App.R.(S.) 100
[1982] 4 Cr.App.R.(S.) 100
(1982) 4 Cr.App.R.(S.) 100
(1982) 4 Cr. App. R. (S.) 100
(1982) 4 Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing) 100

Daily Cases
(not available on CD-ROM)
Standard format:
dd/mm/yyyy Daily Cases
Examples of recognised formats:
21/12/2001 Daily Cases

This format will display a list of the cases for the specified day.

English Reports
(not available on CD-ROM)
Standard format:
volume Eng. Rep. page
Examples of recognised formats:
98 er 201
98 ER 201
98 E.R. 201
98 E. R. 201
98 EngRep 201
98 Eng.Rep. 201
98 Eng. Rep. 201
98 English Reports 201

Family Law Reports
(discontinued Justis 5 CD-ROM only)
Standard format:
[year] volume F.L.R. page
Examples of recognised formats:
1995 2 FLR 171
(1995) 2 F.L.R. 171
[1995] 2 F.L.R. 171
[1995] 2 F. L. R. 171
[1995] 2 Family Law Reports 171

Family Law Reprints
(discontinued Justis 5 CD-ROM only)
Standard format:
(year) FLR Rep page
Examples of recognised formats:
1973 FLR Rep 176
(1973) FLR Rep 176
(1973) F.L.R. Rep 176
[1973] F.L.R. Rep 176

Industrial Cases Reports
Standard format:
[year] I.C.R. page
Examples of recognised formats:
1995 ICR 957
(1995) I.C.R. 957
[1995] I.C.R. 957
[1995] I. C. R. 957
[1995] Industrial Cases Reports 957
Industrial Cases Reports 1995 p.957
Industrial Cases Reports 1995 p. 957

Inquest Law Reports
(not available on CD-ROM)
Standard format:
[year] volume Inquest LR page
Examples of recognised formats:
2005 1 Inq LR 44
2005 1 Inq L.R. 44
2005 1 Inq L. R. 44
2005 1 Inq. LR 44
2005 1 Inq. L.R. 44
2005 1 Inq. L. R. 44
(2005) 1 Inquest LR 44
[2005] 1 Inquest LR 44
[2005] 1 Inquest L.R. 44
[2005] 1 Inquest L. R. 44
[2005] 1 Inquest Law Reports 44
2005 Inq LR 44
2005 Inq L.R. 44
2005 Inq L. R. 44
2005 Inq. LR 44
2005 Inq. L.R. 44
2005 Inq. L. R. 44
(2005) Inquest LR 44
[2005] Inquest LR 44
[2005] Inquest L.R. 44
[2005] Inquest L. R. 44
[2005] Inquest Law Reports 44

International Law Reports
(not available on CD-ROM)
Standard format:
volume ILR page
Examples of recognised formats:
132 ILR 707
132 I L R 707
132 I.L.R. 707
132 IntlLR 707
132 Intl.L.R. 707
132 INTL 707
132 I N T L 707
132 I.N.T.L. 707
132 International Law Reports 707

Irish Jurist Reports (in Electronic Irish Digests)
Standard format:
[year] Ir.Jur.Rep. page
Examples of recognised formats:
1961 Ir.Jur. 45
[1961] Ir.Jur. 45
(1961) Ir.Jur.Rep. 45
[1961] Ir.Jur.Rep. 45
[1961] Ir. Jur. Rep. 45
[1961] Ir.Jur.(Rep.) 45

Irish Law Journal (in Electronic Irish Digests)
Standard format:
[year] L.J.Ir. page
Examples of recognised formats:
1934 LJI 108
[1934] L.J.I. 108
(1934) L.J.Ir. 108
[1934] L.J.Ir. 108
[1934] L. J. Ir. 108
(1934) L.J.Ir.R. 108

Irish Law Reports Monthly (in Electronic Irish Digests)
Standard format:
[year] I.L.R.M. page
Examples of recognised formats:
1993 ILRM 557
(1993) I.L.R.M. 557
[1993] I.L.R.M. 557
[1993] I. L. R. M. 557

Irish Law Times Reports (in Electronic Irish Digests)
Standard format:
volume I.L.T.R. page
Examples of recognised formats:
104 ILTR 171
104 I.L.T.R. 171
104 I. L. T. R. 171
104 Ir.L.T.Rep. 171

Irish Reports (in Electronic Irish Reports)
Standard format:
[year] volume I.R. page
Examples of recognised formats:
1990 2 IR 17
(1990) 2 I.R. 17
[1990] 2 I.R. 17
[1990] 2 I. R. 17
[1990] 2 Irish Reports 17

The Law Reports (First Series)
Standard format:
L.R. volume series page
Example of recognised formats:
L.R. 6 Exch 224
Complete list of formats

The Law Reports (Second Series)
Standard format:
volume series page
Example of recognised formats:
8 Q.B.D. 453
Complete list of formats

The Law Reports (Third Series)
Standard format:
[year] volume series page
Example of recognised formats:
[1995] 2 A.C. 75
Complete list of formats

Mental Health Law Reports
(not available on CD-ROM)
Standard format:
[year] volume M.H.L.R. page
Examples of recognised formats:
2001 1 MHLR 110
(2001) 1 M.H.L.R. 110
[2001] 1 M.H.L.R. 110
[2001] 1 M. H. L. R. 110
2001 Mental Health Law Reports 110
(2001) Mental Health Law Reports 110
[2001] Mental Health Law Reports 110
[2001] 1 Mental Health Law Reports 110

Northern Ireland Reports (in Electronic Irish Digests)
Standard format:
[year] N.I. page
Examples of recognised formats:
1961 NI 65
(1961) N.I. 65
[1961] N.I. 65
[1961] N. I. 65

Police Law Reports
(not available on CD-ROM)
Standard format:
[year] volume Police Law Reports page
Examples of recognised formats:
2000 1 Police Law Reports 117
(2000) 1 Police Law Reports 117
[2000] 1 Police Law Reports 117
[2000] Police Law Reports 117
[2000] 1 Pol. L. R. 117
(2000) 1 Pol. L. R. 117
[2000] 1 Pol.L.R. 117
[2000] 1 PolLR 117
2000 1 PolLR 117

Prison Law Reports
(not available on CD-ROM)
Standard format:
[year] volume Prison Law Reports page
Examples of recognised formats:
2000 1 Prison Law Reports 372
(2000) 1 Prison Law Reports 372
[2000] 1 Prison Law Reports 372
[2000] Prison Law Reports 372

Session Cases
(not available on CD-ROM)
Standard format:
[year] J.C. page
Examples of recognised formats:
1937 JC 41
1937 J C 41
1937 J.C. 41
1937 J. C. 41
(1937) JC 41
(1937) J C 41
(1937) J.C. 41
(1937) J. C. 41
[1937] JC 41
[1937] J C 41
[1937] J.C. 41
[1937] J. C. 41
Standard format:
[year] S.C. page
Examples of recognised formats:
1943 SC 587
1943 S C 587
1943 S.C. 587
1943 S. C. 587
(1943) SC 587
(1943) S C 587
(1943) S.C. 587
(1943) S. C. 587
[1943] SC 587
[1943] S C 587
[1943] S.C. 587
[1943] S. C. 587
[1943] Session Cases 587
Standard format:
year SC(HL) page
Examples of recognised formats:
1998 SC(HL) 90
1998 SC (HL) 90
1998 S.C.(H.L.) 90
1998 S.C. (H.L.) 90
1998 S. C. (H. L.) 90
(1998) SC(HL) 90
(1998) SC (HL) 90
(1998) S.C.(H.L.) 90
(1998) S.C. (H.L.) 90
[1998] SC(HL) 90
[1998] SC (HL) 90
[1998] S.C.(H.L.) 90
[1998] S.C. (H.L.) 90
Standard format:
year SC(PC) page
Examples of recognised formats:
2001 SC(PC) 105
2001 SC (PC) 105
2001 S.C.(P.C.) 105
2001 S.C. (P.C.) 105
2001 S. C. (P. C.) 105
(2001) SC(PC) 105
(2001) SC (PC) 105
(2001) S.C.(P.C.) 105
(2001) S.C. (P.C.) 105
[2001] SC(PC) 105
[2001] SC (PC) 105
[2001] S.C.(P.C.) 105
[2001] S.C. (P.C.) 105
Standard format:
volume F page
(The year can be included, but is optional.)
Examples of recognised formats:
4 F 27
4 F. 27
4 C.of S.5th Series 27
4 F Ct of Sess 27
4 Fraser 27
4 Fraser (Scot.) 27
4 Fraser's Court of Session Cases, 5th Series 27
1901 4 F 27
(1901) 4 F 27
(1901) 4 F. 27
(1901) 4 C.of S.5th Series 27
(1901) 4 F Ct of Sess 27
(1901) 4 Fraser 27
(1901) 4 Fraser (Scot.) 27
(1901) 4 Fraser's Court of Session Cases, 5th Series 27
[1901] 4 F 27
Standard format:
volume F(HL) page
(The year can be included, but is optional.)
Examples of recognised formats:
2 F.(H.L.) 29
1898 2 F.(H.L.) 29
(1898) 2 F.(H.L.) 29
[1898] 2 F.(H.L.) 29
Standard format:
volume F(J) page
(The year can be included, but is optional.)
Examples of recognised formats:
2 F(J) 39
2 F.(J.) 39
2 F.(J.C.) 39
1900 2 F(J) 39
(1900) 2 F(J) 39
(1900) 2 F.(J.) 39
(1900) 2 F.(J.C.) 39
[1900] 2 F(J) 39
Standard format:
volume R page
(The year can be included, but is optional.)
Examples of recognised formats:
20 R 414
20 R. 414
20 R.(Ct.of Sess.) 414
20 Rettie 414
(1893) 20 Rettie 414
(1893) 20 Rettie (Ct.of Sess.) 414
Standard format:
volume R(HL) page
(The year can be included, but is optional.)
Examples of recognised formats:
25 R(HL) 42
25 R.(H.L.) 42
25 Rettie (HL) 42
(1898) 25 Rettie (HL) 42
(1898) 25 Rettie (H.L.) 42
Standard format:
volume R(J) page
(The year can be included, but is optional.)
Examples of recognised formats:
23 R(J) 77
23 R.(J.) 77
23 Rettie (J) 77
(1896) 23 Rettie (J) 77
(1896) 23 Rettie (J.) 77

Special Commissioners’ Decisions
(not available on CD-ROM)
Standard format:
(year) Sp C page
Examples of recognised formats:
2001 Sp C 298
(2001) SpC 298
(2001) Sp C 298
(2001) Sp.C. 298
(2001) Sp. C. 298
[2001] Sp C 298
[2001] Special Commissioners Decisions 298
(2001) Special Commissioners Decisions 298
(2001) Special Commissioners' Decisions 298

State Trials
(not available on CD-ROM)
Standard format:
volume St Tr page
Examples of recognised formats:
1 StTr 135
1 St Tr 135
1 St.Tr. 135
1 St. Tr. 135
1 State Tr 135
1 State Tr. 135
1 State Trials 135
1 CobStTr 135
1 Cob St Tr 135
1 Cob.St.Tr. 135
1 Cob. St. Tr. 135
1 CobbStTr 135
1 Cobb St Tr 135
1 Cobb.St.Tr. 135
1 Cobb. St. Tr. 135
1 HowStTr 135
1 How St Tr 135
1 How.St.Tr. 135
1 How. St. Tr. 135

The year can be included, but is optional.

State Trials New Series
(not available on CD-ROM)
Standard format:
volume St Tr NS page
Examples of recognised formats:
4 StTrNS 481
4 St Tr NS 481
4 St.Tr.NS. 481
4 St.Tr.N.S. 481
4 St. Tr. NS. 481
4 St. Tr. N.S. 481
4 St Tr (NS) 481
4 St.Tr.(N.S.) 481
4 St. Tr. (N.S.) 481

The year can be included, but is optional.

Tax Cases
(not available on CD-ROM)
Standard format:
(year range) volume TC page
Examples of recognised formats:
1946-1950 31 TC 370
(1946-1950) 31 TC 370
[1946-1950] 31 TC 370

The year range is optional.

The Times Law Reports
publication date in The Times
Examples of recognised formats:
Times 18 June 2001
Times June 18 2001
The Times 18th June 2001
The Times June 18th 2001
The Times on 18th June 2001
The Times on June 18th 2001
Times 18.6.2001
Times 18.06.2001
Times 23.6.97
Times 23.06.97
18/6/2001 Times Law Reports

These formats will display a list of the cases for the specified day.

The Weekly Law Reports
Standard format:
[year] volume W.L.R. page
Examples of recognised formats:
1999 3 WLR 1301
(1999) 3 W.L.R. 1301
[1999] 3 W.L.R. 1301
[1999] 3 W. L. R. 1301
[1999] 3 Weekly Law Reports 1301
[1999] 3 The Weekly Law Reports 1301
The Weekly Law Reports 1999 vol.3 p.1301
The Weekly Law Reports 1999 vol. 3 p. 1301


The Law Reports – First Series (1865–1875)

Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Cases (volumes 1–4)
Standard format:
LR 1 A&E 314
L.R. 1 A.&E. 314
L. R. 1 A. & E. 314
L.R. 1 Adm. & Ecc. 314
LR (1867) 1 A&E 314
L.R. (1867) 1 A.&E. 314
L. R. (1867) 1 A. & E. 314
L.R. (1867) 1 Adm. & Ecc. 314
(1867) LR 1 A&E 314
(1867) L.R. 1 A.&E. 314
(1867) L. R. 1 A. & E. 314
(1867) L.R. 1 Adm. & Ecc. 314

Chancery Appeal Cases (volumes 1–10)
Standard format:
L.R. volume Ch.App. page
Examples of recognised formats:
LR 10 Ch 22
L.R. 10 Ch. 22
LR 10 Ch App 22
L.R. 10 Ch.App. 22
LR (1874) 10 Ch 22
L.R. (1874) 10 Ch. 22
LR (1874) 10 Ch App 22
L.R. (1874) 10 Ch.App. 22
(1874) LR 10 Ch 22
(1874) L.R. 10 Ch. 22
(1874) LR 10 Ch App 22
(1874) L.R. 10 Ch.App. 22

Common Pleas (volumes 1–10)
Standard format:
L.R. volume C.P. page
Examples of recognised formats:
LR 10 CP 166
L.R. 10 C.P. 166
L. R. 10 C. P. 166
LR (1875) 10 CP 166
L.R. (1875) 10 C.P. 166
L. R. (1875) 10 C. P. 166
(1875) LR 10 CP 166
(1875) L.R. 10 C.P. 166
(1875) L. R. 10 C. P. 166

Crown Cases Reserved (volumes 1–2)
Standard format:
L.R. volume C.C.R. page
Examples of recognised formats:
LR 1 CC 125
L.R. 1 C.C. 125
L. R. 1 C. C. 125
LR 1 CrC 125
L.R. 1 Cr.C. 125
L. R. 1 Cr. C. 125
LR 1 CCR 125
L.R. 1 C.C.R. 125
L. R. 1 C. C. R. 125
LR (1868) 1 CC 125
L.R. (1868) 1 C.C. 125
L. R. (1868) 1 C. C. 125
LR (1868) 1 CrC 125
L.R. (1868) 1 Cr.C. 125
L. R. (1868) 1 Cr. C. 125
LR (1868) 1 CCR 125
L.R. (1868) 1 C.C.R. 125
L. R. (1868) 1 C. C. R. 125
(1868) LR 1 CC 125
(1868) L.R. 1 C.C. 125
(1868) L. R. 1 C. C. 125
(1868) LR 1 CrC 125
(1868) L.R. 1 Cr.C. 125
(1868) L. R. 1 Cr. C. 125
(1868) LR 1 CCR 125
(1868) L.R. 1 C.C.R. 125
(1868) L. R. 1 C. C. R. 125

Equity Cases (volumes 1–20)
Standard format:
L.R. volume Eq. page
Examples of recognised formats:
LR 20 Eq 383
L.R. 20 Eq. 383
L. R. 20 Eq. 383
LR (1875) 20 Eq 383
L.R. (1875) 20 Eq. 383
L. R. (1875) 20 Eq. 383
(1875) LR 20 Eq 383
(1875) L.R. 20 Eq. 383
(1875) L. R. 20 Eq. 383

Exchequer (volumes 1–10)
Standard format:
L.R. volume Exch. page
Examples of recognised formats:
LR 10 Ex 274
L.R. 10 Ex. 274
L. R. 10 Ex. 274
LR 10 Exch 274
L.R. 10 Exch. 274
L. R. 10 Exch. 274
LR (1875) 10 Ex 274
L.R. (1875) 10 Ex. 274
L. R. (1875) 10 Ex. 274
LR (1875) 10 Exch 274
L.R. (1875) 10 Exch. 274
L. R. (1875) 10 Exch. 274
(1875) LR 10 Ex 274
(1875) L.R. 10 Ex. 274
(1875) L. R. 10 Ex. 274
(1875) LR 10 Exch 274
(1875) L.R. 10 Exch. 274
(1875) L. R. 10 Exch. 274

House of Lords (volumes 1–7)
Standard format:
L.R. volume H.L. page
Examples of recognised formats:
LR 6 HL 434
L.R. 6 H.L. 434
L. R. 6 H. L. 434
LR (1873) 6 HL 434
L.R. (1873) 6 H.L. 434
L. R. (1873) 6 H. L. 434
(1873) LR 6 HL 434
(1873) L.R. 6 H.L. 434
(1873) L. R. 6 H. L. 434

Privy Council (volumes 1–6)
Standard format:
L.R. volume P.C. page
Examples of recognised formats:
LR 2 PC 88
L.R. 2 P.C. 88
L. R. 2 P. C. 88
LR (1868) 2 PC 88
L.R. (1868) 2 P.C. 88
L. R. (1868) 2 P. C. 88
(1868) LR 2 PC 88
(1868) L.R. 2 P.C. 88
(1868) L. R. 2 P. C. 88

Probate and Divorce (volumes 1–3)
Standard format:
LR 2 P&D 420
L.R. 2 P.&D. 420
L. R. 2 P. & D. 420
LR (1872) 2 P&D 420
L.R. (1872) 2 P.&D. 420
L. R. (1872) 2 P. & D. 420
(1872) LR 2 P&D 420
(1872) L.R. 2 P.&D. 420
(1872) L. R. 2 P. & D. 420

Queen’s Bench (volumes 1–10)
Standard format:
L.R. volume Q.B. page
Examples of recognised formats:
LR 10 QB 140
L.R. 10 Q.B. 140
L. R. 10 Q. B. 140
LR (1875) 10 QB 140
L.R. (1875) 10 Q.B. 140
L. R. (1875) 10 Q. B. 140
(1875) LR 10 QB 140
(1875) L.R. 10 Q.B. 140
(1875) L. R. 10 Q. B. 140

Scotch and Divorce Appeals in the House of Lords (volumes 1–2)
Standard format:
L.R. volume Sc.&Div. page
Examples of recognised formats:
LR 1 Sc&Div 145
L.R. 1 Sc.&Div. 145
L. R. 1 Sc. & Div. 145
L.R. 1 H.L.Sc. 145
L. R. 1 H. L. Sc. 145
LR (1867) 1 Sc&Div 145
L.R. (1867) 1 Sc.&Div. 145
L. R. (1867) 1 Sc. & Div. 145
L.R. (1867) 1 H.L.Sc. 145
L. R. (1867) 1 H. L. Sc. 145
(1867) LR 1 Sc&Div 145
(1867) L.R. 1 Sc.&Div. 145
(1867) L. R. 1 Sc. & Div. 145
(1867) L.R. 1 H.L.Sc. 145
(1867) L. R. 1 H. L. Sc. 145


The Law Reports – Second Series (1875–1890)

Appeal Cases (volumes 1–15)
Standard format:
volume App.Cas. page
Examples of recognised formats:
3 AppCas 459
3 App.Cas. 459
3 App. Cas. 459
(1879) 3 AppCas 459
(1879) 3 App.Cas. 459
(1879) 3 App. Cas. 459

Chancery Division (volumes 1–45)
Standard format:
volume Ch. D. page
Examples of recognised formats:
42 ChD 436
42 Ch.D. 436
42 Ch. D. 436
(1889) 42 ChD 436
(1889) 42 Ch.D. 436
(1889) 42 Ch. D. 436

Common Pleas Division (volumes 1–5)
Standard format:
volume C.P.D. page
Examples of recognised formats:
4 CPD 39
4 C.P.D. 39
4 C. P. D. 39
(1878) 4 CPD 39
(1878) 4 C.P.D. 39
(1878) 4 C. P. D. 39

Exchequer Division (volumes 1–5)
Standard format:
volume Ex.D. page
Examples of recognised formats:
5 ExD 319
5 Ex.D. 319
5 Ex. D. 319
(1880) 5 ExD 319
(1880) 5 Ex.D. 319
(1880) 5 Ex. D. 319

Probate Division (volumes 1–15)
Standard format:
volume P.D. page
Examples of recognised formats:
2 PD 243
2 P.D. 243
2 P. D. 243
(1877) 2 PD 243
(1877) 2 P.D. 243
(1877) 2 P. D. 243

Queen’s Bench Division (volumes 1–25)
Standard format:
volume Q.B.D. page
Examples of recognised formats:
5 QBD 284
5 Q.B.D. 284
5 Q. B. D. 284
(1880) 5 QBD 284
(1880) 5 Q.B.D. 284
(1880) 5 Q. B. D. 284


The Law Reports – Third Series (1891–present day)

Volume numbers are used only if more than one volume is needed in a particular year.

Appeal Cases
Standard format:
[year] volume A.C. page
Examples of recognised formats:
1995 2 AC 75
(1995) 2 A.C. 75
[1995] 2 A.C. 75
[1995] 2 Appeal Cases 75
The Law Reports ; Appeal Cases 1995 vol.2 p.75
The Law Reports ; Appeal Cases 1995 vol. 2 p. 75

Standard format:
[year] volume Ch. page
Examples of recognised formats:
1993 Ch 372
(1993) Ch. 372
[1993] Ch. 372
[1993] Chancery 372
[1993] Chancery Division 372
[1993] 1 Chancery Division 372
The Law Reports ; Chancery Division 1993 p.372
The Law Reports ; Chancery Division 1993 p. 372

Family (since 1972)
Standard format:
[year] volume Fam. page
Examples of recognised formats:
1980 Fam 99
(1980) Fam. 99
[1980] Fam. 99
[1980] Family 99
[1980] Family Division 99
[1980] 1 Family Division 99
The Law Reports ; Family Division 1980 p.99
The Law Reports ; Family Division 1980 p. 99
The Law Reports ; Family Division 1980 vol.1 p.99
The Law Reports ; Family Division 1980 vol. 1 p. 99

King’s Bench
Standard format:
[year] volume K.B. page
Examples of recognised formats:
1948 2 KB 116
(1948) 2 K.B. 116
[1948] 2 K.B. 116
[1948] 2 K. B. 116
[1948] 2 Kings Bench 116
[1948] 2 King's Bench 116
[1948] 2 Kings Bench Division 116
[1948] 2 King's Bench Division 116
The Law Reports ; Kings Bench Division 1948 vol.2 p.116
The Law Reports ; Kings Bench Division 1948 vol. 2 p. 116

Probate (only till 1971)
Standard format:
[year] volume P. page
Examples of recognised formats:
1968 P 618
(1968) P. 618
[1968] P. 618
[1968] Probate 618
[1968] Probate Division 618
[1968] 1 Probate Division 618
The Law Reports ; Probate Division 1968 p.618
The Law Reports ; Probate Division 1968 p. 618
The Law Reports ; Probate Division 1968 vol.1 p.618
The Law Reports ; Probate Division 1968 vol. 1 p. 618

Queen’s Bench
Standard format:
[year] volume Q.B. page
Examples of recognised formats:
1991 2 QB 480
(1991) 2 Q.B. 480
[1991] 2 Q.B. 480
[1991] 2 Q. B. 480
[1991] 2 Queens Bench 480
[1991] 2 Queen's Bench 480
[1991] 2 Queens Bench Division 480
[1991] 2 Queen's Bench Division 480
The Law Reports ; Queens Bench Division 1991 vol.2 p.480
The Law Reports ; Queens Bench Division 1991 vol. 2 p. 480


Other items that J-Link can recognise include:

12th November 2008