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Quick Guides – Understanding CELEX document numbers

Finding a specific document in CELEX can be difficult, due to the vast amount of information contained in the database. The most accurate way is to use the unique document number that all CELEX documents are given. Document numbers are also used in CELEX cross reference fields so it is important to understand how to interpret them.

This guide shows you how to construct and interpret document numbers, and how to use them in Justis 5. It also shows you how to use J-Link, an advanced feature of Justis 5 that makes locating documents even easier.

Constructing a Document Number

The formula for constructing a document number is:

Sector Number + Year + Document Type + Document Identifier

Sector Number (1 character)

This is the sector in which the document can be found.

Sector 1 Treaties
Sector 2 External Agreements
Sector 3 Legislation
Sector 4 Internal Agreements
Sector 5 Proposals + other preparatory documents
Sector 6 Case Law
Sector 7 National Implementation
Sector 9 Parliamentary Questions
Sector C OJC Documents
Sector E EFTA Documents

Year (4 digits)

This is the four digits of the year of the document.

Document Type (1 or 2 characters)

This is the code for the document type. These codes are listed below. Note that the same codes are sometimes used in different sectors for different document types. For example, the Treaty of Rome is document type E in Sector 1, but document type E in Sector 9 is a written question.

Document Identifier (3 or 4 digits)

This is the identifying number for the document, such as the directive number, or the treaty article number. For numbers less than 4 digits, leading zeros must be added. (The exception is treaty articles, where the document identifier must be a 3 digit number.) For example, the identifying number for Directive 88/576/EEC is 0576, and the identifying number for article 87 of the Treaty of Rome is 087.


Directive 93/13/EEC is found in Sector 3 and was published in 1993. It is document type L and its identifying number is 0013.
Therefore its document number is 31993L0013.
The Judgment of Case 152/84 is found in Sector 6 and the case was brought in 1984. It is document type J and its identifying number is 0152.
Therefore its document number is 61984J0152.
Article 86 of the Treaty of Rome is found in Sector 1 and was published in 1957. It is document type E in sector 1 and its identifying number is 086. (Because this is a treaty article this number is only three digits.)
Therefore its document number is 11957E086.
Written Question 1112/93 is found in Sector 9 and was published in 1993. It is also document type E but in sector 9. Its identifying number is 1112.
Therefore its document number is 91993E1112.

For more information, jump to Finding specific documents in Justis CELEX.

Document Type Codes

Sector 1

A Euratom Treaty (1957)
B Accession Treaty (Denmark, Irish Republic, United Kingdom) (1972)
D Treaty of Amsterdam amending the Treaty on European Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities and certain related Acts (1997)
E European Economic Community Treaty (1957). European Communities Treaty consolidated version (1992)
F Treaty establishing a single Council and a single Commission (1965). Treaty amending certain budgetary provisions (1970)
G Amending Treaty (Greenland) (1985)
H Accession Treaty (Greece) (1979)
I Accession Treaty (Portugal, Spain) (1985)
K European Coal and Steel Community Treaty (1951)
M Treaty on European Union, i.e. Maastricht Treaty (1992) and its consolidated version (1997)
N Accession Treaty (Austria, Finland, Sweden) (1994)
R Treaty amending certain financial provisions. Treaty amending certain provisions of the statute of the European Investment Bank (1975). Act amending the protocol on the statute of the European Investment Bank (1993)
U Single European Act (1986)

Sector 2

A Agreements with non-member countries or international organisations
D EEA Joint Committee Decisions and European Free Trade Association Surveillance Authority Decisions

Sector 3

B Budget
C Censures
D Decisions
H Recommendations
K European Coal and Steel Community Recommendations
L European Communities/EURATOM Directives
M Merger Decisions
O European Central Bank Guidelines
R European Communities/EURATOM Regulations
S European Coal and Steel Community General Decisions
X Other Acts (resolutions, opinions, etc.) published in the Official Journal L series
Y Other Acts published in the Official Journal C series

Sector 4

A Agreements between Member States
D Decisions (of the representatives of the governments of Member States meeting within the Council)
X Other Acts published in the Official Journal L series
Y Other Acts published in the Official Journal C series

Sector 5

AC Opinions of the Economic and Social Committee (if consulted)
AG Miscellaneous Council preparatory acts and assents (European Coal and Steel Community Treaty)
AK European Coal and Steel Community consultative committee opinions
AP Opinions of the European Parliament (if consulted)
AR Opinions of the Committee of the Regions (if consulted)
BP European Parliament preparatory acts for the budget
CC Opinions of the Court of Auditors
DC Miscellaneous Commission preparatory acts (communications, programmes, reports)
IC Opinions of the Economic and Social Committee (own initiative)
IP Opinions of the European Parliament (own initiative)
IR Opinion of the Committee of the Regions (own initiative)
PC Commission proposals

Sector 6

A Judgments of the Court of First Instance
B Orders of the Court of First Instance
C Opinions of the Advocate-General of the Court of Justice
D Third Party proceedings of the Court of First Instance
F Opinions of the Court of First Instance
J Judgment of the Court of Justice
O Order of the Court of Justice
S Seizures
T Third Party proceedings of the Court of Justice
V Opinions
X Rulings

Sector 7

L National provisions implementing Directives

Sector 9

E Written Questions
H Questions asked during Question Time
O Oral Questions

Sector C

N Other documents published in the Official Journal C Series

Sector E

A International Agreements
C Acts of the EFTA Surveillance Authority
G Acts of the EFTA Standing Committee
J Decisions, Orders and Consultative Opinions of the EFTA Court
P Pending cases of the EFTA Court
X EFTA - Other Acts

Finding specific documents in JUSTIS CELEX

There are two main ways to find a specific CELEX document using Justis 5. The first is to search the DOCNUM field for the document number you require. The second is to use J-Link. For most searches J-Link is an easier method to use as it constructs the document number for you, saving time and effort.

Searching the DOCNUM field yourself

Select the CELEX database containing the document. (Sectors 1 and 2 are in Treaties, and sectors 3 and 4 are in Legislation.)
On the Form Search screen, type the required number in the text box for the Document Number field, and then click the Search button on the toolbar.
Justis 5 finds and displays the document.

Using J-Link

Select any database, not necessarily the CELEX database containing the document.
On the Quick Search screen, click the J-Link button and type the required document reference. For example, try dir 93/13/eec. J-Link button
Click the Link button.
Justis 5 constructs the document number for you and finds and displays the document in the appropriate CELEX database.

Using wild cards to find a range of documents

You can use the Justis * or ? wild card symbols if you want to find a range of documents. For example, if you wish to view all the articles of the Treaty of Rome you could search for 11957E*. The asterisk represents any number of characters at the end of a search term. If you wish to find all judgments of the Court of Justice you could search for 6????J*. The question mark represents any single character anywhere in a term.

Wild cards only work with the first type of search, not a J-Link search. Note that you cannot replace the document type code or the sector number with a wild card symbol.

4th October 2006