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Justis 5 FAQs – How Do I...?

  • Q – How do I select a database?
  • Q – How do I transfer the contents of a CD-ROM to my hard disk?
  • Q – How do I print documents from the Marked list?
  • Q – How do I print only the fields of interest to me?
  • Q – How do I remove carriage returns from downloaded text?
  • Q – How do I mark retrieved documents?
  • Q – How do I tell how current the information in a database is?
  • Q – How do I link between databases with only one CD-ROM drive?
  • Q – How do I search for a phrase?
  • Q – How do I search for the words medical, medicine, medicines, medicinal etc.?
  • Q – How do I search for two words that appear anywhere in the same document?
  • Q – How do I search for two words near each other in the same document?
  • Q – How do I get all the workstations to find the databases on the network without having to go to each machine?
  • Q – How do I get a new CD-ROM if mine is stolen, destroyed or lost?
  • Q – How do I stop people from using the notes feature to attach notes to a document?
  • Q – How do I print or export an entire Act?

If your question is not answered on this page, there are several other pages of FAQs listed on the left of your screen.

Q – How do I select a database?

A – Ensure you have inserted the desired CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive if required. After starting Justis 5 you will see a copyright message followed by the Select Database(s) dialog box. In the left-hand pane click the + to the left of the folder you wish to open to view the available databases. A database is indicated by a book icon (or a telephone icon if the database is Online). Click the database name once to highlight it and then click the Select button below the box. Alternatively, double click the database name. It will now appear in the right-hand pane. Click the OK button.

If you have more than one database available, i.e. there are several databases on one CD-ROM, you are using a CD-ROM tower or multi-changer, you are using networked CD-ROM drives, you are using CD-ROM and Online together, or you have transferred some databases to your hard disk, you may select more than one product to search.

Q – How do I transfer the contents of a CD-ROM to my hard disk?

A – In the program group where you have a Justis 5 icon (usually Context) there is a also a Transfer icon. Ensure you have the CD-ROM you wish to transfer in the CD-ROM drive. Click the Transfer icon. You will then see the database name on the left hand pane. Each database is made up of two parts, an index and data. If both of these are on the same CD-ROM, then both need to be transferred. There may be more than one database on each CD-ROM. CD-ROMs can hold up to 650 MB of data. Click on the part you wish to transfer to highlight it. To check the size click the Details button on the toolbar. Ensure you have enough hard disk space free. Repeat this for the second part if necessary. To start the transfer, ensure the part you wish to transfer is still highlighted then click the Transfer button and follow the on screen instructions.
For further information on transferring, see the topic 'How to use the Transfer Utility' in the on-screen Help of the Justis 5 software.

Q – How do I print documents from the Marked list?

A – If you mark a few cases to add to your marked list during a session, clicking on File then Print will not print the marked list, but rather all or selected profiles or documents on the current Profile screen.

To print documents on the marked list, click the down arrow on the Mark button to display the list then click the Print button.

Q – I have carried out a search and displayed the profiles. How do I print only the fields of interest to me?

A – From the Profiles screen click File/Print on the menu bar. Click the 'All documents' option and then in the Filter section choose 'Print selected fields'. The 'Set Filter' option should appear in bold. Click the 'Set Filter' button. This brings up a list of all the fields in the database. Place a check mark in the box next to the fields you wish to print and click OK. Now click the Print button.

Q – I have used Export to download text, but there is a carriage return at the end of each line. How do I remove the carriage returns?

A – The default setting is for carriage returns to be retained, thereby ensuring that exported paragraphs remain similar to how they appear on screen.

To remove carriage returns when exporting the full text of one or more documents from the Profiles screen, click the File menu and then click Export. In the Export Range section, click either All Documents or Selected Documents. The Options box will now become active. In the Options section, click to remove the check mark from the box to the left of 'Retain Carriage Returns'.

To remove carriage returns when exporting the text from the Document screen, click the File menu and then click Export. In the Export Range section, click either Document or Pages. In the Options section, click to remove the check mark from the box to the left of 'Retain Carriage Returns'.

Q – How do I mark retrieved documents?

A – Marking allows you to collect relevant documents as you go, and then call up a list when you have finished. You may then view any of the marked documents again or print them all out as a list.

For detailed instructions, please see the On-screen Guide to Marking Documents.

Q – How do I tell how current the information in a database is?

A – Click the Help menu and then click About Data. Click the name of the database. Information about the currency of the data will be listed in the right-hand pane.

Q – How do I link between databases with only one CD-ROM drive?

A – If Justis 5 cannot find the database it is looking for, the Database Manager dialog box will appear with the following message:

Unable to locate the following database files

The name of the CD-ROM you are trying to link to will appear in the box. Remove the CD-ROM from the drive and insert the one you are trying to link to. Click the OK button.

You will find linking much more convenient if you transfer the databases from CD-ROM to your hard disk, or have several CD-ROMs available simultaneously.

Q – How do I get a new CD-ROM if mine is stolen, destroyed or lost?

A – Please contact our Customer Services department.

Like all your other software and hardware, your Justis CD-ROMs should be insured. If you keep them at home they are probably covered by your Contents Insurance or by your Office Insurance if kept at work. If you misplace your CD-ROMs or they are stolen or otherwise destroyed, it is our company policy to charge a fee based upon the annual value of the subscription that has been lost and the number of updates you will have expected to receive in that same year.

If your CD-ROM is simply damaged (and it is the current issue), return it to the Customer Services team and we will replace it for you free of charge.

Q – How do I stop people from using the notes feature to attach notes to a document?

A – To disable this feature, go to the Tools menu, and select Preferences. Click the Admin tab and check the Disable Notes box.

Q – How do I print or export an entire act?

A – If you want to export a complete Act, search for the short title using the Title field on the Form Search Screen, and click Yes to display the Profiles. Then open the File menu, select Export..., and select All Documents. You can also browse for the short title on the Contents Screen, click on any of the profiles in the right-hand pane, and then export.

If you want to print a complete Act, locate the short title in the left pane on the Contents Screen, and click to select it. Then open the File menu, select Print..., and then select All Documents. You can also search for the short title using the Title field on the Form Search Screen, and then click Yes to display the Profiles and select the documents you want to print. For printing, selecting the "Join Documents" option enables a complete Act (or an assortment of sections and schedules that you select) to be printed as though it were a single document rather than a collection of separate documents.

4th October 2006