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Quick Guides — How to use the Justis on-screen Help

The Justis service includes an extensive on-screen Help system composed of hundreds of topics and keywords that are designed to answer almost any question about the software or the databases.

Accessing Help from the toolbar

Wherever you are in the Justis service, you can get Help on the current screen by clicking the “Help & Information” link near the top right of the screen.

Help & Information link

A panel will slide open, revealing links to various sources of information, including the Help.

On-screen Help - button bar

Using the index

The index allows you to look for Help topics by using the index entries that have been assigned to each topic. Think of a word or phrase that describes what you want to know, and then scroll through the index until you find it. You can use the A–Z buttons at the top of the index to jump to the entries beginning with a particular letter. If the word you are looking for is not present in the index, please try looking for a synonym or a related word.

On-screen Help - Index

When you see an index entry that looks useful, click it, and the appropriate Help topic will be displayed.

If the topic that is displayed does not tell you what you want to know, then click the Back button on the button bar to re-display the index at the point that was last used, and select another term.

Help on databases

You can get Help on a database from the Search In screens. In the drop-down lists of databases (for example “The Law Reports” on the UK drop-down on the Search In Cases screen) click the question mark after the name of the database.

View the Help for a database

You can also get Help on a database from the Document screen. Click the link for the Source, and then click the “Help” link to display the Help for that database.

View the Help for a database

Only the database for the current document is named on the Document screen, but once the Help is open, you can use the index to view the Help for all of the Justis databases.

Help on fields

You can get Help for any of the fields used on the Search In screens, by clicking either the name of the field or the “i” icon to the left of the name.

View the Help for a field

This will display a brief note about the field, with a link to the more detailed Help file for the field.

Retracing your steps

You can use the Back button on the Help button bar to go back through the Help topics you have viewed.

Click the Contents button if you want to go back to the Help Contents, or click the Index button to go back to the Help Index.

Printing topics

If you would like to print one of the Help topics, simply click the Print button near the end of the file.

5th October 2006