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Quick Guides – Using Justis 5 Help

How to Use the On-Screen Help

The Justis 5 software that is used to search Justis Publishing’s CD-ROM and online databases comes with an extensive on-screen Help system composed of hundreds of topics and thousands of keywords that are designed to answer almost any question about the software or the databases.

Accessing Help

There are three ways of accessing the Help system:

  • Click Help on the menu bar and then click Contents & Index to see the dialog box shown below. Click the Contents tab to browse through the Help by double-clicking book icons. Click the Index tab to look for the keywords that have been assigned to each topic. Click the Find tab to create an index of all the words in the Help file; you will not normally need to do this unless you are looking for something really obscure.

On-screen Help - Contents tab

  • Press the F1 key on your keyboard. This will normally take you directly to a topic that is relevant to the screen, dialog box, database or field that you are using.
  • Click a Help button. This will normally take you directly to a topic that is relevant to the screen, dialog box, database or field that you are using.

After viewing a topic, you can use the Contents, Index << or >> buttons on the Help toolbar to view other topics.

On-screen Help - Button bar

Using the index

The Index tab allows you to look for Help topics by using the index entries that have been assigned to each topic. Think of a word or phrase that describes what you want to know, and type it into the text box. As you type, the closest match will be highlighted in the scrolling list of index entries. If the word you are looking for is not present in the index, please try looking for a synonym or a related word.

On-screen Help - Index tab

When you see an index entry that looks useful, double-click it. If there is only one topic for the entry, then it will be displayed for you. If the index entry applies to more than one topic, then a list of titles of topics will be displayed; double-click one of the titles.

If the topic that is displayed does not tell you what you want to know, then click the Index button to re-display the index at the point that was last used, and select another title or look for a different word.

We have tried to include every useful index entry, but if they do not cover the subject you are looking for, then click the Find tab and follow the on-screen instructions that will enable you to search every word in the Help system.

Help on databases

You can get Help on a database from the Select Database(s) dialog box. Click once on the name of a database (in either list), and then click the Help button just below the list of databases (or press the F1 key on your keyboard). In the dialog box that appears, click the Product button. This will display the section of the Help system that deals specifically with your chosen database.

On-screen Help - Select databases

You can view the Help for any database, not only the ones to which you subscribe.

If you cannot see the database you want in the dialog box, click a plus sign to show the names of more databases.

Help on fields

When you are selecting from a list of fields to search, export or print, you can get Help on any of the listed fields by clicking a field name once and then pressing the F1 key on your keyboard. (Clicking the Help button will give you Help on the function you are using.)

On-screen Help - Fields

When you are using the Form Search screen, you can get Help on a field by clicking in its text box and then pressing the F1 key on your keyboard.

You can get Help on fields at any other time by looking for a field name in the Index.

Help on a Quick Search

The Quick Search screen provides buttons that allow you to carry out simple searches without using a complicated interface. After clicking one of the buttons, press the F1 key on your keyboard to see a Help topic that tells you about the field(s) you are searching, with advice on the terms you can use and whether operators or wild cards are allowed.

On-screen Help - Quick Search

If you click the Help button, you will see the Help topic for the Quick Search screen.

Retracing your steps

You can use the Back button on the Help toolbar to go back through the Help topics you have viewed. You can also use the Display History Window command on the Options menu to go back directly to any topic from your current session.

Click the Contents button if you want to go back to the Help Contents tab, or click the Index button to go back to the Help Index tab.

Printing topics

If you want to print one topic:

  1. Make sure that the Help topic you want to print is displayed.
  2. Click the Print button and then click OK.

If you want to print a range of topics:

  1. Select the heading next to a book icon on the Help Contents tab.
  2. Click the Print button and then click OK.

Bookmarking topics

You can add bookmarks to important topics to which you want to come back at a later date. To bookmark a topic:

  1. Make sure the topic you want to bookmark is displayed.
  2. Click Define on the Bookmark menu.
  3. Type a name for the bookmark and click OK.

To go to a bookmarked topic:

  1. Click the Bookmark menu.
  2. Click the bookmark name that you assigned.

Further information

To display Microsoft's instructions on using Help, click Using Help on the Help menu in the Justis 5 program, or click "How to use Help" on the Help menu in the Justis 5 on-screen Help.

4th October 2006