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Quick Guides – Installation Guide for a Stand-Alone Copy of Justis 5.3

This document is intended to provide the information you will need to install the Justis 5.3 software on a stand-alone computer running Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Vista.


Justis 5.3 is a true 32-bit application. The search engine incorporated in the software is also a 32-bit component.

Justis 5.3 and its support files need to be installed onto the hard disk of your computer.

The database(s) can be accessed directly from the CD-ROM, or from a copy that has been transferred to your hard disk (see Transfer utility in the Justis 5 on-screen Help).

System Requirements

Minimum Requirements
Processor Pentium P100
Hard Drive 75 MB free space
CD-ROM Drive Double speed
Operating System Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51
Recommended Requirements
Processor Pentium P166 or higher
Hard Drive 100 MB free space
CD-ROM Drive Quad speed or higher
Operating System Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 4 or Windows 2000

Installation / Upgrade Procedure

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Justis 5, your existing settings will be retained and you will not be offered all of the following options.

If you are upgrading from Justis DOS or Justis Windows, it is not necessary to delete your old software. The old software uses different files and different folders, and will still work after Justis 5 has been installed.

1.   Run Setup

The Justis 5.3 software is supplied on a white or silver CD-ROM disc, not on the CD-ROMs that contain databases.

If at any stage you wish to abort the installation, click Cancel. To return to the previous screen, click Back.

  • Close any applications that are running.
  • Insert the Justis 5.3 software CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
  • The Setup program should run automatically (see below if it does not).

You will now be presented with the Justis 5 Welcome screen that contains information on installation and copyright notices. After reading these:

  • Click Next to proceed with the installation.

If you need to close other applications you have running, click Cancel, close the applications, and run setup again.

You will now be presented with the User Information screen.

2.   Enter User Information

  • On the User Information screen, type your name and your company name.
  • Click Next.

You will now be presented with the Setup Options screen.

3.   Choose Setup Options

You are offered a choice of Complete Installation or Network Server Installation (Workstation Installation should be greyed out and not selectable).

  • Click on Complete Installation (this should already be selected by default).

Justis 5.3 files are installed by default into C:\Program Files\CONTEXT\JUSTIS. It is recommended that you accept the default.

  • If you wish to select an alternative directory in which to install Justis 5.3, click Browse and select the path of the folder you wish to use. You must install in a named folder, not in the root.
  • To check available disk space on alternative drives, click Disk Space and select a drive letter using the down arrow.
  • When you have selected the drive and folder in which to install Justis 5.3, click Next.

You will now be presented with the Select Program Folder screen.

4.   Choose a Program Folder

You should now choose a name for the folder that will appear on the Program menu off the Start menu. This folder will contain icons for Justis 5, J-Link, the License utility (for use with electronic Law Reports, Electronic Irish Reports and Digests, and Lloyd's Electronic Law Reports only), the Transfer utility (for copying CD-ROM databases to a hard disk) and Uninstall.

  • Click Next to accept the default name of Context.
  • To use a different name, either select the name of an existing folder, or type in a new name, and then click Next.

The necessary folders will be created, the necessary files will be copied to the hard disk, and a group will be added to your Start menu. This process can take some time, depending on the speed of your CD-ROM drive. A display keeps you informed of installation progress.

You will then be presented with the Setup Complete screen.

5.   Choose Options for Starting Justis 5.3

The Setup Complete screen offers options to have icons for Justis 5 and J-Link created on the desktop, and to start Justis 5.3 now.

  • Select the appropriate options.
  • Click Finish.
  • Remove the software CD-ROM disc.

Justis 5.3 is now set up and ready to run.

If you choose not to have desktop icons, but decide at a later stage that you would like them, you will find instructions in the on-screen Help; look for Desktop in the index.

Running Justis 5.3

Insert your most recent CD-ROM that contains a Justis Publishing database, and run the update.exe program in the root of the CD-ROM. This is necessary to allow the JUSTIS software to recognise the latest versions of the databases.

Insert a CD-ROM containing the Justis Publishing database that you wish to search into your CD-ROM drive (unless the database has already been transferred to your hard disk).

  • Click the Start button on the taskbar, point to Programs and then to Context, and then click the Justis 5 icon.
  • Alternatively, if you opted to have a Justis 5 icon on your desktop, double-click it.

You are now ready to select one or more databases and start searching.

If Setup does not run automatically

If you the Setup program does not start automatically when you load the CD-ROM, you can run the program manually by clicking the Start button on the Windows taskbar, clicking Run..., typing d:\setup (where 'd' is the letter of your CD-ROM drive), and clicking OK.

Windows 3.1x

Justis 5.3 will not run under the Windows 3.1x operating system. Justis 5.21 was the last version of JUSTIS that could run under Windows 3.1x. Help Desk support for customers running Windows 3.1x was discontinued at the end of September 1999.

On-Screen Help

Justis 5 is supplied with an on-screen Help system that provides detailed instructions and assistance on the features and functions of the software It also includes guides to using each of the databases. You can access the Help system by clicking Help on the menu bar near the top of the Justis 5 window, and then selecting Contents & Index.

What’s New

If you are already familiar with an earlier version of Justis 5, you may like to review the new features in Justis 5.3. Click the Help menu, select Contents & Index, click the Contents tab, and then double-click What's New in Justis 5.3.

4th October 2006