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Quick Guides — Searching for a reference on Justis

The Justis service provides easy ways for you to find a document in any database, provided that you know the publication reference.

Quick Search Screen

You can type a reference to a document in any database, and click the “Search” button. This will find the document itself, and also find other documents that contain the reference. The retrieved documents will be listed on the Results screen; click the title of the one you are interested in, and it will be displayed on the Document screen.

Search In Cases Screen

Across the top of the Search In Cases screen, there are 4 drop-down lists of databases. In order to search for a document by its reference, you must select the appropriate database, by clicking so that a tick appears in the check box next to its name.

To search for a document by its reference, you should use the Citation field. You can either paste a complete reference into one of the boxes (except year), or type the parts of the reference into the appropriate boxes (year, volume, series, page or number).

You can search for neutral citations, as well as for publication references.

References can be in upper or lower case, and punctuation is not needed (but can be included).

Search In Legislation Screen

Across the top of the Search In Legislation screen, there are 2 drop-down lists of databases. In order to search for a document by its reference, you must select the appropriate database, by clicking so that a tick appears in the check box next to its name.

To search for a document by its reference, you should use the Reference field. You can either paste a complete reference into the text box, or type the reference.

Search In EU Screen

Across the top of the Search In EU screen, there are 4 drop-down lists of databases. In order to search for a document by its reference, you must select the appropriate database, by clicking so that a tick appears in the check box next to its name.

To search for a numbered document (such as COM DOCS, Common Positions, Cases, Decisions, Directives, Recommendations and Regulations) by its reference, you should use the Document Type field. Type the parts of the reference into the appropriate boxes (document type, year and number).

To search for a document by its colloquial name (such as Acquired Rights Directive, or Schengen Acquis), paste or type its name into the Common Name field. This field will also accept CELEX document numbers (e.g. 31992R2408R(02)) and other document numbers (e.g. Common Position 2003/444/CFSP)

To search for a document by the reference of its publication in the Official Journal, paste or type its reference into the OJ Reference field.

References can be in upper or lower case, and punctuation is not needed (but can be included).

4th October 2006