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Justis 5 FAQs – Statute Law Databases

  • Q – How can I search for Statutory Instruments that have been used to implement an Act?
  • Q – How can I view any amendments to an Act?
  • Q – How can I tell if an Act has been repealed?
  • Q – How can I print a whole Act at one time?
  • Q – When I search for an Act I only get the Arrangement of Sections. How can I find all the documents that make up the Act?
  • Q – How can I find out on which Act a particular Statutory Instrument is based?

If your question is not answered on this page, there are several other pages of FAQs listed on the left of your screen.

Q – How can I search for Statutory Instruments that have been used to implement an Act?

A – If you have access to the Justis UK Statutory Instruments database, then you can easily locate all of the SIs that have been used to implement parts of an Act. Load the UK Statutory Instruments database, go to the Quick Search screen, click the Title button, type in the short title of the Act, and then click the adjacent Search button. You can then select the ones that interest you from the list on the Profiles screen.

You can also use J-View (click the Crossref button on the toolbar) to find SIs that implement the section of an Act that you are viewing on the Document screen.

Q – How can I view any amendments to an Act?

A – Justis 5 gives you access to lists of Acts and of Statutory Instruments that amend the Act that you are viewing on the Document screen. Click the Crossref button on the toolbar to open the Cross References dialog box, and then click the Amended By tab to see a list of any amending documents. Double-click an amending document if you wish to view it.

When accessed from the Arrangement of Sections, the Amended By tab shows documents that affect the Act as a whole. When accessed from the document for one section or schedule, it shows documents that affect that particular section or schedule.

If the Crossref button is not active, then there are no amended or amending documents.

Q – How can I tell if an Act has been repealed?

A – Repealed Acts, Sections and Schedules are marked as such on the Profiles Screen. the Contents Screen and the Document Screen.

When an entire Act has been repealed, the following graphic is shown at the head of the Arrangement of Sections document on the Document Screen.


The same graphic is displayed at the head of individual Sections and Schedules when they are displayed on the Document Screen.

On the Contents Screen and the Profiles Screen, a red 'R' is displayed just to the left of the profile of any documents that have been repealed.

Q – How can I print a whole Act at one time?

A – If you want to print a complete Act, locate the short title in the left pane on the Contents Screen, and click to select it. Then open the File menu, select Print..., and then select All Documents. You can also search for the short title using the Title field on the Form Search Screen, and then click Yes to display the Profiles and select the documents you want to print. For printing, selecting the "Join Documents" option enables a complete Act (or an assortment of sections and schedules that you select) to be printed as though it were a single document rather than a collection of separate documents.

Q – When I search for an Act I only get the Arrangement of Sections. How can I find all the documents that make up the Act?

A – Justis 5 allows you to find all of the sections and schedules that were included in the original Act by searching for the short title in the Title field on the Form Search Screen or the General Search Screen. This will also find the Arrangement of Sections and the Preamble.

If you want to print or export a complete Act, search for the short title using the Title field on the Form Search Screen, and then click Yes to display the Profiles. Open the File menu, select either Print... or Export..., and then select All Documents.

Acts sometimes have new sections added to them by subsequent Acts. To locate these inserted sections, display the Arrangement of Sections of the original Act and click the Crossref button on the toolbar to open J-View. Look for any amending documents that are marked as 'added', and check them for inserted sections.

Q – How can I find out on which Act a particular Statutory Instrument is based?

A – Justis Publishing has added a new field for the Enabling Act to each Statutory Instrument. This new field, ACT, appears towards the top of the document. Run Justis 5 and select the UK Statutory Instruments database. Click on the FORM search tab and in the ACT text box type in the name of the Enabling Act, e.g. Children Act 1989.

4th October 2006