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Justis 5 Technical FAQs – Error Messages

Here you will find answers to technical queries affecting the Justis 5 software on stand-alone or networked computers.

If your question is not answered on this page, there are several other pages of FAQs listed on the left of your screen.

Q – I keep getting the message 'Justis has been unable to locate one or more of the databases that you selected' and a list of databases listed beneath.

A – First check if the database(s) you wish to search is the one shown in the list. If it is, then click the Scan button and in the box that appears enter the location of the database. The software should now locate the database.

If the list of databases does not contain the database you wish to search, then click the Cancel button. This will bring you back to the Select Database(s) dialog box. Check that only the database(s) you wish to search is listed on the right hand side. If any other database appears on the right hand side, then remove it. Now click the OK button.

Q – Why do I get a Syntax error message?

A – Syntax errors occur when there is a problem with the way an operator is used in a search.

One common problem is not having the closing round bracket ')'.

You will also get a syntax error message if you enter a phrase like 'June to September'. This is because To is part of the operator From ... To ... . To get around this problem you need to place the phrase in double quotation marks, e.g. "June to September". Note that 'To' will no longer be shown in blue and so is not treated as an operator.

Q – I get the message 'Data type mismatch in criteria expression' when I try to display a document.

A – If you have a network installation of JUSTIS 5.3, or autorun is disabled on your CD-ROM drive, you need to manually run the update.exe program from the CD when you receive an update disc. To do this:

  • Exit Justis 5.3.
  • Insert the data disc in your CD-ROM drive.
  • Click the Start button and choose Run.
  • Type d:\update.exe (where d is the letter of your CD-ROM drive, you may need to alter this) and click OK.

Q – I am running Justis 5.3 for the first time and getting 'Unknown error'.

A – The first time that you run Justis 5.3 you should do so without a data CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive. If you try to launch the software with a data CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive then you will get the message 'Unknown error'. Once you have run the software successfully, and closed it down again, you can run Justis 5.3 with the data disc in the CD-ROM drive.

Q – I get the message 'External file has been deleted' when I try to display a document.

A – This can happen if you have a network installation of Justis 5 and have transferred the database to the default location on the server. To resolve this, delete any *.cfg files from the Context\Justis\Fultext folder on your server.

4th October 2006