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Justis 5 FAQs – Case Law Databases

  • Q – Are printouts from Justis 5 acceptable in court?
  • Q – How can I search for a publication reference?
  • Q – I only subscribe to Family Law Reports; why can’t I see it in the list on the Select Database(s) screen?
  • Q – I would like to browse through a list of cases in the database. Can I do this?
  • Q – Which products require security registration and how can I register them?

Q – Are printouts from Justis 5 acceptable in court?

A – Printouts from Justis 5 (and from the Justis service on the Internet) closely resemble the printed products and are widely used in court.

On 11th January 2001, the Lord Chief Justice introduced the Practice Direction (Judgments: Form and Citation), which states that it is “permissible to cite a judgment reported in a series of reports, including those of the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting, by means of a copy of a reproduction of the judgment in electronic form that had been authorised by the publisher of the relevant series”.

Several databases on the Justis service on the Internet include PDF versions of case reports, and these provide an exact facsimile of the printed case report. If a PDF is available, there will be a red “PDF” tab near the top of the document; click the tab, and the PDF will be displayed in a pop-up window.

Q – How can I search for a publication reference?

A – Click the Publication Reference button on the Quick Search screen, type in the reference (for example, 1998 1 FLR 470) and then click the Search button.

Q – I only subscribe to Family Law Reports; why can’t I see it in the list on the Select Database(s) screen?

A – All the Case Reports databases we publish are grouped together under a heading “Case Reports”. Click on the + sign to the left of Case Reports in the Available Database(s) box to view the full list of Case Reports databases. Click on Family Law Reports and then click the Select button; it will be added to the Selected Database(s) box on the right. Click OK.

Q – I would like to browse through a list of cases in the database. Can I do this?

A – Yes, you can examine the profiles of all of the case reports in a database, and view selected reports, without searching.

Click the Query button on the toolbar to open the Search screen, then click the Contents tab so that you can use the Contents screen.

When you open the Contents screen, you will see a list of years in the left-hand pane and a scrollable list of profiles in the right-hand pane.

To expand the hierarchy so that you can see other levels, either click a plus sign or double-click a year. Click a year or any other term to display a scrollable list of profiles in the right-hand pane. To reverse the order in which the profiles are displayed, click the Document Reference title bar. You can double-click a term (or click the adjacent minus sign) to show fewer levels.

Double-click a profile to display the full text on the Document screen (you can use the Hit buttons on the Navigation Bar to browse through the set of documents).

Q – Which products require security registration and how can I register them?

A – Three products, Lloyd’s Electronic Law Reports (discontinued), The Law Reports and Electronic Irish Reports and Digests, need to be registered. There are two ways to register. The first way is from within Justis 5: when you select an un-registered database you will be asked to register the product, and you should click the Register button. The second way is to use the “License” utility in the Context group on the Programs menu.

You will see a reference number; please contact our Help Desk and quote the reference number to receive a password.

(Network installations only: Run the License.exe program in the BIN sub-directory of the directory in which the software was installed).

4th October 2006