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Justis 5 Technical FAQs – Known Bugs

The following bugs were outstanding at the time of the release of Justis 5.3 in April 2000:

Unknown error

A bug in the autoupdate program causes an 'Unknown error' message if you launch the software for the first time with a data CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive. This can be resolved by removing the data disc from the drive, or by choosing 'Launch Justis 5 now' during installation. As a result of this bug, if you try to transfer a database using the Transfer program before you have run Justis 5.3, then you will get a Windows Invalid Page Fault error.

Display problem

If the window colour in Windows has been set to anything other than white, Justis 5.3 will use this colour when displaying documents. As a result, the background colour of documents will match the window colour, and the text of the document will appear in a white box. To resolve this, go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Display > Appearance, and choose 'Window' from the drop-down Item list. Select white from the colour chart and click OK.


An intermittent problem can occur when printing and exporting from Justis 5.3 with Windows 95 version 4.00.950a. The normal dialog box is replaced by a blank window with an OK button. As a result printing/exporting fails. The only known solution is to upgrade the operating system.

If the Mark List contains profiles from databases that are not currently selected, and you try to set a field filter for printing those documents, you will be shown only the fields for the database that is currently selected. Please select the database for the document you wish to print, and then select fields.

When using Lloyd's Electronic Law Reports and printing documents from the Profiles screen, you can print whole documents, but if you try to print selected fields then Justis 5 will crash. Please do not try to print selected fields.

Accented characters may not appear correctly when a document is exported in Rich Text Format.

Images are not included when a document is exported in Rich Text Format.

Windows 2000

During installation of Justis 5.3 on Windows 2000, the ODBC data source information for the Fulcrum SearchServer goes into User DSN rather than the System DSN. As a result, the only user who can access the software is the one who was logged on during the installation. In the majority of cases this is the administrator, and users get "Data source not found and no driver specified" when launching Justis 5, regardless of the rights that they have. If you experience this problem, please contact the Justis Help Desk.

Selecting Text

When selecting text with a mouse in order to copy it or to highlight it, the display may occasionally become corrupted. To return the text to normal, either press the PageDown key on your keyboard followed by the PageUp key, or else go back to the Profiles screen and double-click the document's profile to re-display it.


If you use J-Link to go to a document that is not in one of the databases that you have selected, then you cannot print selected fields (you see a list of fields for the selected database). You may also see the Database Filter, but not be able to set the filter. The workaround is to select the appropriate database and then link to the document again.

4th October 2006