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Justis FAQ – Browsers

The Justis service allows you to access the Justis range of data sources via the Internet, using a standard web browser. However, web browsers do not include all of the functionality that is required for a feature-rich search and display system, and so we provides the missing functions via software that runs on our web server and generates HTML that is sent to the customer’s browser. Some web browsers are more amenable than others to this technology, so please consult the tables of supported web browsers for Windows and for Mac OS X.

The Help and PDF viewer in some of the supported browsers may not work properly with Justis unless you configure their pop-up blockers. A typical symptom of the problems caused by pop-up blockers is that when you click the Help link or the PDF tab, nothing happens.

Microsoft Windows

The versions under which we test web browsers are Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Web Browser Supported J-Link
Firefox 1.5+ Yes Yes Pop-up blocker
Firefox 1.0 No
Google Chrome No
Internet Explorer 7 Yes Yes Pop-up blocker
Internet Explorer 6 Yes Yes Pop-up blocker
Internet Explorer 3, 4, 5, 5.5 No
Netscape 9 Yes Yes Pop-up blocker
Netscape 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 No
Opera No
Safari 3 No
SeaMonkey 1.0+ Yes* Yes Pop-up blocker
Other browsers No

* SeaMonkey does not yet support RSS feeds.

You can check the version of your web browser by clicking its “Help” menu and then selecting the “About” item.

Some customers have experienced problems when trying to access the Justis service from AOL and Compuserve.

Macintosh OS X

The only version of Mac OS X under which we have tested web browsers with the Justis service is Mac OS X 10.4. Other versions of the operating system may be suitable, but have not been tested. None of the browsers for Mac OS X 10.1, Mac OS X 10.0, Mac OS 9.x and earlier are suitable.

Web Browser Supported J-Link
Camino 1.0+ Yes Yes Pop-up blocker
Firefox 1.5+ Yes Yes Pop-up blocker
Firefox 1.0 No
iCab No
Internet Explorer 5.2 No
Netscape 9 Yes Yes Pop-up blocker
Netscape 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 No
OmniWeb No
Opera No
Safari No
SeaMonkey 1.0+ Yes* Yes Pop-up blocker
Other browsers No

* SeaMonkey does not yet support RSS feeds.

You can check the version of your web browser by clicking its Application menu, and then selecting the “About” item.

Other operating systems

In theory, you should be able to use the Justis service with Firefox and SeaMonkey browsers running under Unix, Linux or any other operating systems for which these browsers are available. However, we have not tested this, and our Help Desk cannot provide support for problems related to operating systems other than Windows and Mac OS X.

Functions with limited support

J-Link button on the Document screen
If you see a reference in the document you are viewing to another document that you would like to see, you can select the reference with your mouse and then click the “J-Link” button.
Unfortunately, this function is not supported by Safari. However, there is an alternative method of using J-Link that works with any browser.

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3rd September 2008