CELEX – List of Amendments Field (modified)

The List of Amendments field in the CELEX database on Justis is part of the Cross References group, and contains the CELEX document number(s) of subsequent Act(s) which affect the Act in question, with a brief indication of the type of modification. For example:

List of Amendments     Corrected by.. 31992L0046R(01).....
Amended by.... 31992L0118.......... Completion ANN from 06/01/1993
Amended by.... 11994NN01/05/E...... Completion ANN C. from 01/01/1995
Amended by.... 11994NN01/05/E...... Completion ART 32.1 from 01/01/1995
Amended by.... 31994D0330.......... Completion ART.5.9
Derogated in.. 31994D0695.......... Derogation ANN B. from 20/10/1994
Amended by.... 31994L0071.......... Completion ANN A. from 31/12/1994
Amended by.... 31994L0071.......... Completion ANN C. from 31/12/1994
Amended by.... 31994L0071.......... Amendment ANN B. from 31/12/1994
Implemented by 31995D0165.......... Implementation ART.11.2 from 01/01/1996
Repealed by... 31996L0023.......... Repeal ART.15.1 from 01/07/1997
Amended by.... 103TN02/06/B1..... Amendment ANN C from 01/05/2004
Amended by.... 32003L0085.......... Amendment ANN A. from 12/12/2003
Amended by.... 32003R0806.......... Replacement ART 31 from 05/06/2003

i.e. the document which contains this field has been partly repealed by Council Directive 23 of 1996.

The blue document numbers (e.g. 32003R0806) are hypertext links; click a number with your mouse to display the full text of the modifying document.

In the Outline, this field is called “List of Amendments”.

In documents, this field is shown as “List of Amendments”.

If you want to use the List of Amendments field on the Quick Search screen or in the Full Text box on the Search In EU screen, its name is “modified”, and you can use a search such as:


Used in the Treaties database (Sector 1), the External Agreements database (Sector 2), the Legislation database (Sectors 3 and 4), the Proposals database (Sector 5), and the Parliamentary Questions database (Sector 9).

cxe-fields-modified.html; last updated 8th November 2006
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