CELEX – Subject Field (index)

The Subject field in the EU databases on Justis is part of the Default group, and contains (a) keywords (catchwords) describing the content of the Court’s decision (from the CELEX database and the Official Journal C Series database, and (b) CELEX controlled subject terms from the Subject Matter field. For example:

Catchwords     1. Competition * Dominant position * Relevant market * Delimitation * Criteria

(EC Treaty, Art. 86)

2. Competition * Dominant position * Conduct on a neighbouring market to the dominated market * Application of Article 86 even in the absence of a dominant position on the neighbouring market * Conditions

(EC Treaty, Art. 86)

3. Competition * Dominant position * Abuse * System of tied sales

(EC Treaty, Art. 86)

4. Competition * Dominant position * Abuse * Pricing below cost in order to eliminate a competitor

(EC Treaty, Art. 86)


In the Outline, this field is called “Subject” and “Subject Matter”.

In documents, this field is shown as “Catchwords” and “Subject Matter”.

If you want to use the Subject field on the Quick Search screen or in the Full Text box on the Search In EU screen, its name is “index”, and you can use a search such as:

index[meat* and inspect*]

Catchwords are used only in the Case Law database (Sector 6).

In previous versions of Justis, this field was called “Catchwords”

cxe-fields-index.html; last updated 16th November 2006
Copyright © 2006 Justis Publishing Limited

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